This Tribe Thinks So. We are proud that almost one fifth of our landscapes are types of open spaces managed primarily for wildlife. But in fact, when done responsibly, it can actually be good for the health of forests. Living in a van is an adventure all on its own. Its important to note that forests will survive just fine without us if we all disappeared from the planet tomorrow. Once the trees are gone, the work is too. There are numerous examples of animal species that have been brought back from low populations through forest management. Trees provide a multitude of jobs. 5 reasons why its good to cut down trees, Want to know more? When does spring start? Whenever we fell trees, more are planted to make sureforests are maintained forfuture generations. We look after something like 133 million trees, and any one of them can be a potential danger to our staff or people enjoying the outdoors. Full life cycle accounting for carbon and energy clearly demonstrates wood is far more sustainable than other raw materials. In some cases trees are cut down for wood for fires to heat up their homes and cook food. It was definitely work, so I wasnt always eager as a young boy to help my father and big brother, but I learned to love the process Tree removal is a topic of debate for many people. Tropical tree cover alone can provide 23 percent of the climate mitigation needed to meet goals set in the Paris Agreement in 2015, according to one estimate. While your side table might not use as much wood as the shoe rack in the other room, the cabinets on the wall, or your kitchen dining set, the amount of wood that you probably have in your home combines to be a large amount. For example, native people that live in or near rainforests and jungles tend to struggle when their home environment is quickly and severely altered by deforestation. Working with colleagues in Forestry Commission, we monitor trees to spot early signs of disease or damage. WebAnswer (1 of 65): There isnt a need to stop cutting down trees entirely, they have a life cycle and eventually die off and seedling growth becomes mature trees in their place. Not only are thingsina home made from wood, but there are aspects of the home itself that are wood. Just last year, the rate of deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon rose for the first time since 2008. The land is being repurposed for the good of the people, as opposed to being stripped clean without the replenishing of resources. The water cycle is the process by which water falls to the ground as rain. Paper products are what we have to use, typically, and recycling might not always be available to you. Reference to commercial products or trade names does not imply endorsement by MSU Extension or bias against those not mentioned. Allen, J. C., & Barnes, D. F. (1985). This helps to restore important habitat like heathland, peatland and wetland areas. Forest loss contributes about 15-20% of all annual greenhouse gas emissions. In the coming weeks, you can expect to hear a lot from us about deforestation and conflict in the Brazilian Amazon. The per capita consumption of wood products in industrialized countries outweighs that of non-industrializedcountries by a factor of twelve. A boy and two old women of a community of Baka people (pygmies) who live on the outskirts of Libongo, Cameroon. Good quality soil should contain no more than 2% carbon. This widget requries the Arqam Lite Plugin, You can install it from the Theme settings menu > Install Plugins. Did we mention forests host a broad range of unique cultural groups and species found nowhere else? Without oxygen, it would be game over for the human species. The above are the extreme cases of when you should remove a tree but of course there can be a huge range of reasons that arent as serious, such as reducing the amount of shade in your garden, creating more space and so on. While some people believe the best use Yet the mass destruction of treesdeforestationcontinues, sacrificing the long-term benefits of standing trees for short-term gain of fuel, and materials for manufacturing and construction. You dont need to be a scientist to notice the difference in the way you feel when walking through a forest. In England, the nations forests are independently certified, meeting both national and international standards of sustainable forestry. As those gases enter the atmosphere, global warming increases, a trend scientists now prefer to call climate change. Wide view over the Amazon Rainforest, Rio Negro, Serra de Araca, Brazil. 3. Even if a building is made mostly of other materials, wood is almost always a component. Improves Forest Restoration Forests depend on cycles of life and death. Trees heal our body, mind and soul.. It stores the carbon as wood and releases oxygen molecules. All woodlands are important for wildlife, but its not just about trees. Well leave the research to you on that one, based on what you buy and where you shop, but its a great concept that you can easily keep an eye out for! First, we all use wood. The tree is leaning in a certain direction, The above are the extreme cases of when you should remove a tree but of course there can be a huge range of reasons that arent as serious, such as reducing the amount of shade in your garden, creating more space and so on. Its then absorbed by trees and other plants, then released back into the air as transpiration. 10) Saving the Trees is indirectly saving the human from calamities. Bats and agaves make tequila possibleand theyre both at risk, The new year once started in Marchhere's why, Jimmy Carter on the greatest challenges of the 21st century, This ancient Greek warship ruled the Mediterranean, 3 ways Jimmy Carter changed the world for the better, The meaning of the cross of ashes on Ash Wednesday, This disease often goes under-diagnosedunless youre white, The groundbreaking promise of cellular housekeeping. Even though the building itself is made from metal, the beams in the walls are quite likely to be made of wood. Can we bring a species back from the brink? We risk all of it as we let them decline. Since it is hard for the average person to spot it can be even more problematic, as like with some of the points above, it can lead to structural problems. As well as muffling sound, tree foliage also provides a barrier against unwanted light pollution. Instead of waiting for nature to take its course, work with a local tree service team for safe removal. Here are a few things to keep in mind when you want to do some good and help the planet keep producing the beautiful trees that we all know and love: So many of our articles are about helping you to care for the trees on your property, or even to plant new ones. We all use things made from wood every day. Climate change is in partcaused by forest loss which is in partcaused by climate change which is in part caused by forest loss. Wrong. Deforestation and the destruction of forest habitat is the leading cause of extinction on the planet. Making sure that those fallen trees dont go to waste is another huge aspect of sustainability. Low Visibility Can Cause This To Be A Troublesome Task. Call today 0161 338 4455 or 07917 798 459. They also ensure that the water cycle (which provides the fresh water we rely on to stay alive) remains in balance. Large scale tree cutting can lead to deforestation, a transformation of an area from forest to terrain with little vegetation. The digital age may be creeping in, but the paper isnt going anywhere just yet. We really could go on and on.For now, heres a fun fact: the Amazon alone is one the vastest carbon stores in the world, containing ten times the annual global emissions of carbon from fossil fuels. 5 E Market St., Suite 261, Corning, NY 14830, 2023, owned by Pest Pointers LLC. A majority of this land has not been replaced by new forest but by pastureland for cattle. As the world seeks to slow the pace of climate change, preserve wildlife, and support more than eight billion people, trees inevitably hold a major part of the answer. This can not only lead to injuries but also damage to buildings and property. There are many ways to compost, but the most important factor is keeping the pile moist and airy . Another effect of deforestation, whether this was the original purpose or not, is that the land will is opened up for agricultural purposes. Something so common is easy to overlook, but have you thought about why people cut down trees? And, since photosynthesis is the largest creator of oxygen, we should probably make sure were taking good care of our trees! The 4-H Name and Emblem have special protections from Congress, protected by code 18 USC 707. A classic for a reason,reduce the waste you create, reuse what you can, and recycle that which you cannot. Removing one older tree often allows several smaller, younger ones to flourish. What is deforestation? Removing a tree is sometimes necessary for safety. A negative that follows, even if the land is repurposed, is that deforestation destroys the natural environment that once stood in place of this newly barren landscape. And speaking of small changes, sign up for our GROW newsletter today. Without further adieu, the reasons people cut down trees! If you see the importance of trees, then plant one today! The organization Amazon Conservation reports that destruction rose by 21 percent in 2020, a loss the size of Israel. Over half of the worlds timber and almost three quarters of its paper is consumed by only about 20% of its population, mostly in the US, Europe, and Japan. Reduce Risk of Falling Tree 2. The spread of pests and diseases can cause devasting impacts to our woodlands and kill huge numbers of trees. On that note, lets talk about another product that uses up lots of trees: paper. 6. More and more forest is being parcelized, contributing to millions of forest acres that are far more difficult to manage than larger tracts. So, the creation of materials that deforestation provides is ultimately positive, though the practice of refurbishing and reusing pre-owned materials like tables, cabinets, and chairs could certainly be utilized more in our modern world. Just to add when you shop using links from Tree Journey, we may earn affiliate commissions if you make a purchase. Eighty percent of Earths land animals and plants live in forests, and deforestation threatens species including the orangutan, Sumatran tiger, and many species of birds. For this reason, you should leave tree cutting to a team that knows how to cut down a tree and that has all the proper gear and training. This is especially true of our current forests, which are results of extreme disturbance from the historic logging era. To contact an expert in your area, visit, or call 888-MSUE4MI (888-678-3464). Complying With the Laws 7. The positive reasons have more to do with human-focused topics like economics, materials, and food. Not treating a diseased tree will eventually lead to death, so if you dont treat it now you will need to fell it later. Managed forests grow wood forever, and we currently grow far more wood than we use. Cutting trees is an essential tool for creating habitat conditions for many wildlife species, especially game species. It has been estimated that if deforestation continues at its current rate, it will result in the extinction of around 28,000 different species in the next 25 years. program! Where might that wood be sourced from? Find out how a tribe in the Amazon is using old cell phones and machine learning to help save their forest home. Many of them would disappear without ever having been discovered. The wood from the smaller trees that are thinned is used for things like fence posts, pallets, wood chips and fuel. And lastly, trees improve soil quality by pulling nutrients from deep under the ground up to the surface via the powerful action of their roots. program! Can you cut trees on your own? WebTrees are living things that grow old and die. If your apple tree is no longer alive, the structure of the tree itself is at risk of falling down or being knocked over in the first big storm of the season. I grew up on 50+ acres of pastures, woodlands, and a freshwater bass pond surrounded by apple orchards where I worked back in the day. Most paper is made from wood pulp, through a simple process that began in China thousands of years ago. Climate change has accelerated the rate of ice loss across the continent.
The point we want to make here is that there are so many times that trees are cut down to make a product that doesnt last or gets disposed of in a way that creates issues. There are endangered species that urgently need our help. Nature does not work for us, but we can manage forests to work for us. Trees also contribute vital minerals to the soil by shedding its foliage and allowing it to decompose as mulch. A lot of wood. In case youre not traveling anywhere, you can plant trees anytime on Click A Tree. Trees are absolutely vital in the fight against climate change. 5) It gives us wood, fruits, rubber, medicines, etc. There are 128 species, Read More Do Maple Trees Need Sun Or Shade? This barrier slows the forces of nature down and helps to prevent bad weather from becoming a natural disaster capable of devastating large areas. They provide vital products that extend from food and shelter to medicines and other important social goods. Sometimes it can be just as important to cut down a tree than it is to leave it be, but its not always easy to spot the reasons why. It's an everything issue. Deforestation is not just an environmental issue. Maybe its a notebook for school? Ever read a book thats not online? The poster child, perhaps, is the Kirtlands warbler. Trees provide a multitude of jobs. A trees leaves can often act as an early Deforestations effects reach far beyond the people and animals where trees are cut. Tropical forests not From the delicate willow to the mighty oak, the upright pine to the leggy mangrove, trees are increasingly overlooked. 5. While unnecessary tree removal is injurious, carefully considered tree removal can provide benefits for you, the landscape and native animal species. We should not cut down trees because trees makes oxygen that helps us humans breathe and trees are important to animals as many animals food resources come from trees and it is animals habitats to and we can use the trees resources to grow the economy as trees create food items like vegetables and fruits like an apple trees so these are the reasons we should NOT cut trees even though they have wood it doesn't mean the tree only has wood it also has healing plants in it that help humans heal Of course we dont want to cut down a tree unless theres a reason for it but you often hear about all of the reasons why you shouldnt cut down trees but rarely why you should. Although deforestation has declined in Brazil over the last decade or so, the Brazilian government recently relaxed rules on deforestation and has limited the capacity of the federal environmental agencies that enforce those rules. The causes of deforestation in developing countries. If youre interested in learning even more about this process, check out our piece onHow Many Trees Are Cut Down to Make One Piece of Paper. Whether youre talking about a single sapling in your yard or acres of forest, many people view cutting down trees as harmful to the environment. The better the yield, the less land is needed to feed humanity. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. While there are beginning to be many alternatives to wood-based paper, that process is nowhere near complete. First small change: Save BnTree as your default website for all things travel. Need of Space for Building 3. Did you ever ask yourself why trees are so important? 4) It cleans the environment. All the way from rainforest care to tree planting. Somewhere between 15 and 30% of the global trade in timber is harvested illegally. If that feels confusing, try to stick with us while we spell it out a bit. From pioneering the use of solar energy to helping to eradicating disease, here are just a few ways the 39th U.S. president has made the world a better place. A positive that can come, mostly when locals are not being directly impacted, is the rise in resources that cut-down trees provide. Please, rush a gift right now to help power the fight for a Global Ocean Treaty before time runs out for our ocean creatures facing overwhelming threats. Curators are realizing that returning looted artifacts isnt closing museumsits opening new doors. Trees do everything from provide oxygen to help regulate temperatures. Issued in furtherance of MSU Extension work, acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Yes, climate change is making a big dent, but make no mistake, the direct clearing of forest is still the number one reason we are living in the sixth great extinction. The numbers are grim, but many conservationists see reasons for hope. For many small, often rural communities, without trees there would be no way to sustain the local people. Whether you do it full-time or are a weekend warrior, van life is exciting!, Read More 6 Easy Fruits To Grow Inside Your Van (And How To Do It)Continue, In recent times, more and more people have been interested in being more self-sufficient and healthy with their food. Smaller trees are often used for the production of charcoal. Not only can the noise pollution caused by humans interfere with an animals sonar and navigation systems, it can disrupt whole ecosystems. Forest loss is not decreasing. From fruit harvests to biological and botanical research. Despite popular opinion that a tree growing too close to a house can cause cracks in its foundation, its actually quite rare for this to happen, however, there can be other problems that crop up when a tree is growing too close to something. In countries where monitoring is difficult, up to 90% of timber exports are illegal. In most cases, this means looking, Read More 6 Best Fruit Trees That Have Shallow Roots: Identification GuideContinue, The maple tree. Wildlife is buffered from the noise pollution that we, as humans, create. We comply with the Federal Trade Commission 1998 Childrens Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA). This is because people need to build stores, houses, and other buildings. People also cut down trees to clear land for agricultural use. In some cases, trees are cut down for wood for fires to heat up their homes and cook food. Trees are also used for paper to write on. A major effect of urbanisation, transport and industrialisation, noise is not just annoying for humans it can have a devastating effect on wildlife. On to stay alive ) remains in balance the importance of trees, then released back into air. 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