Rattlesnakes are masters of disguise so watch the area around your feet very carefully and always listen for that that telltale rattle. Sidewinders have a famous name and are extremely common where they are found, yet are quite uncommon to see for most. They do not bite and are completely harmless, and OK to have in your yard. Eleven of the reptile species, such as twin-spotted rattlesnakes . Arizona is home to 52 species of snakes. These are also sometimes called coon-tail rattlesnakes. They are tiny (like a stir straw), and usually shiny or "wet" in appearance, though they are not slimy, and the color of dark coffee.Similar to our native threadsnakes, they are completely harmless and can be ignored, or put outside if found indoors. It will average 8 to 9feet long. It is one of three protected rattlesnake species in the state, due to limited range and collection by poachers. They have a highly toxic bite and should always be left alone when seen. They do not bite and are completely harmless, and OK to have in your yard. Below, well dig into some of the more common snakes in Arizona to be aware of. Arizona has the most venomous snakes of any state. The light-colored, squared nose can be used to distinguish this snake from the rounded, dark snout of the milksnake. Night Snake Hypsiglena torquata Non-Venomous This small snake can be found on roads at night and is identified by the dark blotches on the neck and a single row of dorsal blotches. In Arizona, the remaining tobosa grass habitat of the Massasauga is in decline due to development and grazing of cattle. With Arizona being home to a large population and popular attractions ranging from lakes to the Grand Canyon, it helps to be aware of which snakes you might come across and which ones are potentially dangerous. Oliver (Ollie) Jones - A zoologist and freelance writer living in South Australia with his partner Alex, their dog Pepper, and their cat Steve (who declined to be pictured). Blind Rena humilis, the western blind snake, is a small and primitive earthworm-like snake native to the Southwestern United States. However, if you consider all the characteristics, youll soon identify the species. The Massasauga is the only species of the genus Sistrurus, found in Arizona. The long-nosed snake is a distinctive-looking species that youre unlikely to confuse with another snake. These are exceptionally beautiful snakes that often cause even snake-haters to admit that they're pretty. The world of snakes is no less varied than the world of dogs and cats. They're often mistaken for young Groundsnakes, which also often appear with a black head, but can be differentiated by the presence of a red or pink stripe on the belly. Western Diamondback Rattlesnake 4. That is a good thing. When threatened, the Gopher snake will coil its tail, shake,hiss, and then head butt any predator. Ribbon snakes love water, but are excellent climbers too. Usually an adult will be no more than 15 to 18 inches long. They are often mistaken for rattlesnakes because of their superficial likeness, and tendency to quickly become defensive when approached. Most of Arizona, excluding a band that runs from the Northeast, through central Arizona, and into the Southeast. Adults are commonly in the 3 range. They can be found in neighborhoods, as well as in the desert. Total length: 18 - 47 in (46 - 121 cm) Non-venomous Snakes In Arizona Most snakes in Arizona are non-venomous, though there are a 13 species of rattlesnakes alone in the state. Typically they are light tan or light brown with a faded blackhead. A gophersnake is great free pest control. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. They are usually anywhere from three to five feet long and prefer arid desert habitats. Kingsnakes get their name for their propensity to devour other snakes, and the Arizona Mountain Kingsnake can be found feasting upon rattlesnakes, copperheads, and even the coral snakes they imitate! It can be distinquished from the western diamondback by the striping on the tail. When alarmed, this snake will shake its tail, hiss, strike, and bite the offender. Do Ferrets Need Vaccination Shots? About Us; Staff; Camps; Scuba. It frequents brushy areas, especially near canyon bottoms and streams. It has been observed that this behavior is specific to non-venomous species or those that possess a weak venom, unfit for defensive capabilities. Coral snakes also have complete bands running to their undersides. Bites may cause irritation and pain, but do not require hospitalization and have no long-lasting effect. This small, harmless snake is not often seen. It prefers areas with sandy soils. The color is variable, usually consisting 3 dark brown, red, or orange stripes running nose-to-tail against a lighter, cream or white base color. The common garter snake is the best-known and most widespread species among the garter snakes. The Mojave rattlesnake is a long species, reaching lengths of 54 inches. They constrict their prey because their mild venom is not effective on birds and mammals. It has a pale, brown dorsal stripe bordered by one dark stripe. This tiny, worm-like snake is often found inside homes and near gardens. They are heavy-bodied, less than 3' in length, with a "chubby" build, rounded tail, and head distinct from the body. In that time I've seen about 4 snakes, none while hiking. The Desert Massasauga is protected in Arizona from all forms of collection and harrassment, though habitat-conservation is likely the only means of saving this species in our state. This snake has a pattern of irregular blotches along the back, often with a dark brown outline. These snakes are those most often seen by fishermen and campers along the rim areas along waterways, lakes, and ponds. They're small, usually only around a foot long. Alternatively named the "flower pot snake", for good reason it is transported around the world from its original Indonesian home in soil and the roots of garden plants. When threatened, this Gartersnake will bite and release their bowls to scare off predators. (Chilomeniscus stramineus) They're often mistaken for Speckled Rattlesnakes, which do not live near Tucson. It is small, usually tan, grey, or brown, and may superficially resemble a Prairie Rattlesnake to an untrained eye. Tucson It may coil up, flatten its head into a triangular shape, hiss loudly, and shake its tail, to appear and sound like a rattlesnake. The Western patch-nosed snake, Salvadora hexalepis, is one of three species in the genus that occur in Arizona. Its the perfect place for sun-bathing, dessert-loving reptiles. Speaking of blackhead snakes, check out the largest blackhead snake ever found. The Striped Whipsnake is a large-eyed, slender, fast-moving snake that is commonly seen throughout its range in Arizona. They have a series of black bands on their tails that mimic the rattle found on rattlesnakes. Saddled Leaf-nosed Snake Phyllorhynchus browni, Western Leaf-nosed Snake Phyllorhynchus decurtatus, A striking snake with a blunt, rounded head, A light background with dark black blotches, including a mask-like marking over the eyes. The Arizona Black Rattlesnake, or Crotalus cerberus, is found in the Hualapai Mountains and Cottonwood Cliffs in northwest Arizona. Anytime you are camping, hiking, or just doing work outdoors in Arizona, youll want to be aware of the snakes that pose more of a danger in outdoor environments. 81,141 posts. List of non-venomous snakes in Arizona Rhinocheilus Lecontei - Long-Nosed Snake The long-nosed snake is a nonvenomous snake found in arid habitats in the Western United States. True to its name, the Grand Canyon Rattlesnake can only be found in Arizona and Utah. When you login first time using a Social Login button, we collect your account public profile information shared by Social Login provider, based on your privacy settings. Arizona is one of the states that is known for having the most snakes. They are heavy-bodied for their size, which can help differentiate them from the more commonly-seen variety of other small, ground-dwelling snakes. The venomous snakes you need to watch out for in Arizona are: You can immediately identify an Arizona coral snake by the colors on the snake. Learn more. Harmless Snakes in the Tucson Area Sonoran Gophersnake Their diet consists almost entirely of lizards. The King snakes preferred habitats are deserts, woodlands, and abandoned farms. We hope youve enjoyed this article about Arizona snakes. Males can be be green, often nearly metallic in appearance, with varying amounts of pink or blue-grey. Milk snakes have wide red bands like coral snakes. First noted by Robert Kennicott in letters to his mentor Spencer Baird in 1859, the Glossy Snake has nine recognized subspecies. Sonoran gopher snakes are only generally about four feet long but they look bigger because they have very wide bodies. Having a triangular head, people will often mistake it for a rattlesnake. Like other rattlesnakes, the Hopi Rattlesnake has a keratin rattle at the end of its tail, and each time the snake sheds its skin, a new segment is added to the rattle. Arizona is home to 19 different species of venomous snakes, with most of these species being rattlesnakes. They are opportunistic feeders but well known for eating rattlesnakes. Rattlesnakes are typically between two and six feet long. But if it doesnt slither away it may try to play dead by flipping over on its back and lying motionless until you walk away. The stripes running down the body might give is a similar look with the gartersnake. Their color is a brown or grey base color with numerous black or darker-brown blotches that appear in a checkerboard pattern and a white belly. Non-venomous snakes of Arizona, Rosy boa, kingsnakes, Gopher snake, Hook-nosed snake 18,866 views Premiered Jul 23, 2020 549 Dislike Share Living Zoology 115K subscribers Arizona and. Featured Image Credit by jokerbethyname, Shutterstock. Unlike the other species of Gartersnakes in the state, they can be quite colorful. They have countersunk lower jaws and long snouts, indicating a preference for burrowing. More than 1/3 of the world's rattlesnake species are believed to live in the state. The Desert Massasauga is the lone representative of the Sistrurus genus in Arizona, making it the most distantly related of all rattlesnake species in the state. However, they are very often confused with baby Longnosed Snakes, which have a very similar pattern. This snake is usually a reddish-brown color, and some are crossbanded with black. Despite its name, this snake has adapted well to many areas of Arizona. Non venomous snakes of Arizona There are three non venomous snakes native to Arizona: Sonoran Gophersnake- this is most common Arizona snake along with Western Diamondback Rattlesnake. Lets say that the snake you find is bright red and short. Diet: Small mammals, lizards, reptile eggs, nestling birds, Western Threadsnake The habitat you find them in can help identify them. This snake is found in Arizona only from a small area in the Organ Pipe National Monument, and encounters are exceptionally rare. Florida Showdown: Who Emerges Victorious in a Burmese Python vs. Crocodile Battle? They make their homes in piles of rocks and rarely venture far from their chosen rock-pile. We also get your email address to automatically create an account for you in our website. Thats why this desert snake is so at home in Arizona. There is a single white or cream-colored stripe along the back, and a thin stripe along each side that runs the length of the body. Total length: 5 - 15 in (13 - 38 cm) A colorful species with a pale background and red and black bands, The pupils are round, and the snake has a rounded head and tail. Diet: Small mammals, birds, bird and reptile eggs, lizards, snakes, frogs, insects, carrion, Common Kingsnake (Lampropeltis getula) They are found in habitats from the Atlantic to Pacific Oceans, and from southern Canada into Mexico. You can observe and photograph the snake from a safe distance. The Western Diamondback Rattlesnake is the most commonly encountered snake in the Phoenix area, and can be found anywhere where neighborhoods get close to native desert habitat. Also often called a "red racer", Coachwhips are long, thin snakes that can reach lengths of up to around 5. More than 40 snakes called the various ecosystems of Arizona their homes. Most of the non-venomous snakes in Arizona fit comfortably into one of a few main groups. Though sometimes theyll just swallow it whole. Non-venomous snakes have a spoon-shaped rounded head and venomous snakes will have a more triangular head. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. I've lived in Sedona for 15 years. The Great Basin gopher snake lives in the Great Basin, while the other species exists in the Sonoran desert. This will offend many predators into retreating. These guys belong on your bucket list. They are often found as babies during August and September, having found their way into garages and homes. Black-necked Gartersnake If youre trying to identify snakes in Phoenix, then you wont start with a list of northern Arizona snakes. Their head has a more angular appearance than the similar-looking Coachwhip, with a white jaw and stripe extending through the base of the eye. Diet: Ants (including larvae and pupae), termites, and occasionally beetle larvae, 3693 S Old Spanish Trail There are no aquatic snakes in Arizona. Diet: primarily lizards, but also birds and mammals, Western Patch-nosed Snake From proper husbandry and habitat guidance, to articles on health concerns, diet, and extensive care guides, Reptile Guide is here to educate everyone on all things reptiles. They also consume about any type of rodent, lizard, or bird that will fit in their mouth, also reducing rattlesnake encounters by simply being competition. They can be found on golfcourses, parks, alleyways, and back yards throughout the city. While they usually live about fifteen years in the wild, they can live 30 or more years in captivity! The Gopher snake likes the sandydesert areas where it can catch rodents, lizards, and rabbits. Red next to black, friend of Jack. Restricted to a handful of canyons and drainages, most of its habitat lies beneath Lake Powell. The state of Arizona has 27 spider species, three of them known for their venomous bite, being potentially dangerous to humans. But, what snakes can we go out and see in real life? Read More Sonora Semiannulata - Western Ground Snake Which Ones? The scale across the nose resembles a patch on the nose, therefore the common name. They are protected by state law and should always be left alone. Reptile Guide is also a Chewy affiliate partner. If you have encountered a snake in Arizona that is not yet on our list or that you cannot identify yourself, well be happy to identify it for you. Rusty Dodson/Shutterstock.com This is a non-venomous species of kingsnake native to Arizona, and other states like Texas and New Mexico. The stripes have a slight saw-tooth look to them, unlike the straight stripes of the Eastern Patch-Nosed Snake. Arizona has more rattlesnake species than several of the other states combined. Imagine Seeing This 30-Foot Sea Snake in the Open Ocean Gulp! Short, thick-bodied snake with orange and brown banding. Due to superficial similarities in appearance, the unrelated Desert Nightsnake is often misidentified as a Twin Spotted Rattlesnake by concerned home owners searching online. They can be very large, with adults commonly exceeding 5' or more in length. Unlike the tiger rattlesnake and the Western diamondback rattlesnake, this species is light. The Arizona coral snake is one of the most distinctly colored snakes that live in the desert. This non-venomous snake grows to an average of about eight inches long, making it a manageable pet for some reptile enthusiasts. This species of Shovel-Nosed Snake are small, as are the other Shovel-nosed Snakes with white or cream and black bands and no red or orange. A coral snake will have yellow bands next to the red bands. They are also very fast, and are very difficult to capture for this reason. Kingsnakes are medium-sized, harmless snakes. If you're unsure, we will identify it for you for free., Send us a photo or text a picture to 480-694-3020. They're slender, medium-sized snakes that get up to around 3' long. Desert Nightsnake Most of the time, people get bitten because they accidentally step on a snake. Coachwhips will bite if picked up, but are not venomous. During these first weeks of life, they often find their way into homes. (Leptotyphlops humilis) They are found across the U.S., with western populations preferring moist habitats. The desert kingsnake is a large black snake with yellow crossbands or spreckles. The Arizona Black Rattlesnake is found in the Hualapai Mountains and Cottonwood Cliffs in the northwest of Arizona. As the name suggests, this snakes best defense is its ability to slither quickly away from predators. The grand canyon rattlesnake is tan, yellowish, or pink in color; a good match for the colorful rocky areas that make up the majority of its range. An unusual characteristic is a scale on the tip of its nose. They're small, usually only around a foot long. It lives in rocky areas and wedges itself in crevices and cracks in the rocks. The Arizona Black Rattlesnake is sometimes mistakenly referred to as Timber Rattlesnake throughout its range due to generally being found at higher altitudes in wooded areas. These species include: According to iNaturalist, the following ten species are the most commonly sighted snakes in Arizona: Arizona has more venomous snakes than most other states. For example, the Arizona Ridgenosed Rattlesnake is very common in the right places, but the sight of one in the wild by a hiker or homeowner is quite rare. (Tantilla hobartsmithi) Genus: Arizona. Preventing other small animal populations from growing to sizes that the environment cant support. It is called a lyre snake because head markings that resemble a lyre harp. Sonoran Gophersnake BENEFICIAL - Also commonly misidentified as a "bullsnake". The color is often a slate-grey, but sometimes appears as a colorful gradient of olive green, blue, to reddish brown, with a white belly and a stripe on each side from just behind the head down the body. They are primarily snake eaters, but also eat lizards and invertebrates. This species has an olive green to the bluish gray base with a yellow or orange band around its neck. You may be able to differentiate it from the very similar-looking Groundsnake by the relatively short, fat appearance relative to its length. The species contains eleven subspecies that can be Crotalus Atrox Western Diamondback Rattlesnake, Micruroides Euryxanthus Arizona Coral Snake, Crotalus Cerastes Sidewinder Rattlesnake, Sonora Semiannulata Western Ground Snake, Masticophis Taeniatus Striped Whipsnake, Lampropeltis Splendida Desert Kingsnake, Lampropeltis Californiae California Kingsnake, Indotyphlops Braminus Brahminy Blind Snake, Pituophis Catenifer Pacific Gopher Snake, Thamnophis Elegans Western Terrestrial Garter Snake, Thamnophis Sirtalis Common Garter Snake. If you find one, please contact a reptile rescue organization or notify neighbors of the sighting in the event it's just an escaped pet. The black-necked gartersnake is named for large blotches on either side of its neck. They may be pink or brown, and give off a foul smell when handled. The varied geography and diverse selection of small animals for the snakes to hunt makes Arizona an excellent destination for snake sightings. Its very possible that you will see a rattlesnake when you are out and about in Arizona, especially if youre in State Parks or other recreational areas. This small, harmless snake is one of the most rarely-seen species that lives along the highly-urbanized areas of Phoenix and Tucson. Vine snakes have round pupils and distinctive two-tone coloration. Due to the lack of recorded medical evidence, the exact methods by which the Arizona Ridge-Nosed Rattlesnakes venom kills its prey remain mysterious. There are a lot of rattlesnakes in Arizona, in total about 13 different types! Whether you have concerns about your dog, cat, or other pet, trained vets have the answers! Many venomous snakes have triangle-shaped heads. Slow-moving and non-aggressive, bites are easily avoided simply by not approaching or attacking one when encountered. The night snake is a small, mostly nocturnal snake found in the Western United States and in Mexico. It is nocturnal, and rarely seen. If the bands next to the red are black its a milk snake and you are safe. King Cobra vs Cobra: Whats the Difference? A lighter-colored stripe runs along each side, from jaw to tail. A thin vertical stripe symbolizes the eyes of venomous snakes. Their surface color is dark brown, and the rest of the body (from just below the eye) is white or tan). So much, that it will often be seen hanging around golf courses, parks, and yards. Some of the different types of nonvenomous snakes that you will find in Arizona are: Arizona milk snakes, like other milk snakes, can initially be frightening because they have a very similar color pattern to venomous coral snakes. Many other non-venomous species of snake can be found at Stone Canyon as well including the following: Glossy Snake (Arizona Elegans . Nightsnake most of these species being rattlesnakes a yellow or orange band around its neck to capture this... Species that youre unlikely to confuse with another snake ; bullsnake & quot bullsnake. 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