ALEX: Thats a fascinating question. It looks like someone named Brooke is accusing anyone of being upset about his behavior as being some sort of "paid troll," but she has a "founding subscriber" icon and it makes me wonder if SHE has been paid to be there. And, by the way, we dont know how long immunity is gonna last with each booster. Alex Berenson goes on Fox News and directly calls me a liar to my face and says I didn't invent RNA vaccines. See the right doesnt trust their side of the aisle at all. Similar patterns to Public Health Englands data can be found in other countries around the world. At any rate, here was my take on the whole thing: In the first few months of the vaccines, the Atlantic even devoted a whole . But they arent since the steps keep forming a literal stairway to heaven. And if they do, how would you tell people? Instead, he went to one of the most liberal rags out there. Second of all, Israels relatively small, and theyve been collecting data on a daily basis and releasing it since before the vaccine started. In total, 205,197 of the 256,686 cases in England during September were fully vaccinated. In other words, they are vaccines that lower the chance of severe illness but still allow for infection and transmission of the virus. New York was the worst hit city basically major city in the world. Sounds like youre tell us that even if they didnt have those bad unvaccinated youre talking to two of them right now, those unvaccinated people out there, there would still be but is it then the situation that they dont want to be honest about that with the public because they dont want to get to 100% vaccination and then tell us there will be boosters? Now, on the other hand, for those 39 and below, according to this data, the unvaccinated have a higher chance of contracting COVID-19, but considering the 10,000-fold difference in mortality rates between the old and the young, high COVID-19 rates in people under the age of 40 is exponentially less of a risk of hospitalization and death compared to high COVID-19 rates among the elderly. Good for him. Thats what the narrative has been. Those are the numbers. Berenson also discussed Englands case rates by vaccination status featured in Table 2 of the same PHE Report. Anybody who looks at the data is gonna agree to that okay the side effects are off the charts compared to the flu shot. The rate of cases per 100,000 classified by age group and vaccination status can be better visualized with Figure 2 from the same PHE Report. Please, released last Tuesday, New York Times best-selling author, Alex Berenson, who was. The study boldly claims that there are five times the number of deaths attributable to each inoculation vs those attributable to COVID-19 in the most vulnerable 65+ demographic.. Copy link . Because if he gets kicked off of Twitter. You can sign up for free, you know, almost 100,000 people have now signed up mostly just in the last couple of weeks. I dunno. In my lifetime that goes as far back as "Who killed JFK", the Vietnam War and Watergate. No nothing. There was much talk amongst Alexs followers of how he was wrong in his statements regarding Dr. Malone's relationship with mRNA development and his claims about the effectiveness of Ivermectin. But it was a long time ago and he needed the research money! In a subsequent Substack post, Malone let Berenson have it. From the Can't Make It Up Department Alex Berenson Jan 30 271 From a Centers for Disease Control insider: a short note on morale. I think this is significant and thank you. They dropped all the restrictions. Jun 6, 2022 . Alex Berenson Responds to "Grifter" Charges. Maybe thats not good enough in the long run, but thats what I have now.. This act was perhaps the best thing that could happen to discredit those opposed to the Covid narrative. Curmudgeons acknowledge the truth that kids will ruin their lawn by running around on it, thus yelling, Get off my lawn! As I said, they started before us. Alex, your Substack, people can go find it, Alex Berenson on Substack? In 1996, he became one of the first emp . ALEX: Okay. BUCK: Are there (crosstalk) that you know, can I ask, who are willing to say that to you offline? Thirty-six of them I think you could just say were totally wrong. They clearly they think that what Im doing has some value. They want to destroy him for doing the right thing. So Twitter suspended me for 12 hours, they suspended me for 12 hours again, and then last week they suspended me for a week. The people who are unvaccinated in Israel, especially the older people, are probably people who are or many of them are people who are too sick to be vaccinated to begin with, right? Id love to tell you I just delivered a new novel and itll be out. Thats actually good. Cause Israels ahead of us in terms of vaccinating their people. Theyre homicide or suicide or something like that. So, I mean, if you told people, Yeah, guess what? If you like this, please share and subscribe. It is abundantly clear these vaccines dont meet that definition. Now, on the other hand, for those 39 and below, according to this data, the unvaccinated have a higher chance of contracting COVID-19, but considering the 10,000-fold difference in. Banning Alex Berenson From Twitter Is a Mistake "The pandemic's wrongest man" can likely profit from martyrdom. Where are we on it? COVID-19 Vaccine Surveillance Report Week 38, the median age of death was 82 and the mean age of death was 80. CLAY: Thats a shining light in terms of natural immunity. Both Malone and Berenson have been banned from Twitter for providing misinformation on Covid. I mean, you can find tweets from me saying we need to its called a serology study. Alex Berenson, the former New York Times reporter who became "the pandemic's wrongest man," suggested on Monday night that he would sue Twitter for banning his account for repeatedly violating. The difference, I believe, is that Glenn and Matt have embraced their subscribers regardless of what political ideology they come from. I'm sorry I said I wouldn't spam you, but it's just so good. You can also find him on Substack, Alex Berenson on Substack. Your point based on the data that you are seeing would suggest that instead of being a traditional vaccine like measles, mumps, and rubella, what youre effectively saying is this is more akin to a flu shot where youre going to have to get it every year forever, and it provides some measure of protection, but its not the equivalent of, Hey, youre never gonna get chicken pox, for instance., ALEX: Thats right but its also much more dangerous than a flu shot. Tucker Carlson snubs Alex Berenson after his bushwhack of Dr. Malone. Our nation is not like that. We know this because Dr. Malone indicated that the producers apologized to him about it and were blindsided themselves. He is the author of Tell Your Children: The Truth about Marijuana, Mental Illness, and Violence, an Edgar Award-winning writer of bestselling thrillers, and a freelance journalist. A COLD! And then theres an updated study from a month or two ago where there were 61, I believe it was, updated people under 18 so children and teens who died in Britain. ALEX: Thank you, Buck. People are clearly aware that Im on very thin ice on Twitter. The other day, Malone and Berenson were on a Fox News program about the Twitter censorship. CLAY: It looked like the vaccines were working flawlessly and it was gonna vanish. People look at the numbers, they look at the data, and come to very different conclusions. Theres no cases. ALEX: Thats right. Alex Berenson is a former New York Times reporter and the author of 13 novels, three non-fiction books, and the Unreported Truths booklets. And, they define fully vaccinated as 14-days or more after the second dose of a 2-dose vaccine. Meanwhile, an independent journalist like Alex Berenson will continue to seek out publicly available data from foreign nations to hold U.S. officials accountable. I mean they are smarter, they have more money, much smarter than the public health authorities. Alex, great to see you. CLAY: Cause theres a positive side here which is natural immunity, like Buck and I have, cause we both got covid seems to provide the best possible immunity going forward. Other Books. And we dont know how many people that might be because the companies didnt do any work in the clinical trials that might help us with that. Suddenly the money is there like magic--just don't ask too much where it came from, what was cut to make it happen (like the roads, bridges, broken dams, etc), just don't look too closely at social programs that take kids from their moms for one violation of drugs or whatever so that they can sell that kid into the sex tradeEvil is normalized in order to get something else. Berenson is being widely criticized for hurting the team. Then he followed the truth about Covid and actually reported it. They have no idea who really gets very sick from this. Jan 23, 2022. . Ill say this, okay, when you look at the Israeli data there is one thing that theyre sort of clinging to, this idea that vaccines still prevent or lower the risk of severely illness and death, okay? Immediately," Berenson wrote. Dr Malone was quite eloquent in responding to it. Remember when the Biden administration said I was a "terrorist threat"? Thats good. Berenson said: , during the month of September, there were a total of 3,158 COVID deaths in England. So if youre hoping that the vaccine reduces all-cause mortality, that it actually prevents death which is the whole point of all this, I thought you cannot find that data in that clinical trial. The day the hospital ships left New York City, New York Harbor in April/late March or I guess its late April of last year, that argument should have ended. ALEX: Thats right, and thats up from like 10% at this time last year. And Ive never been in this camp these people 5G and graphene oxide and this is a depopulation campaign. Launched a month ago. But now I gotta take it down one more level. The mRNA experiment needs to stop. It startled the host and the producer later apologized to Malone. Lets say we could get Alex Berenson to walk into the Biden Oval Office right now and they would have to listen. It was basically, for most people, having low oxygen. But it was a long time ago and he needed the research money! His recent posts and actions tend to support this theory. Jan 14, 2022. CLAY: I want to make this clear, because there is this idea that if you ask questions about the covid vaccine, it means you question the legitimacy of all vaccines. But, alas they are not. But at what pace should you travel on that path? I believe that Berenson hates it and is embarrassed that the only outlet that will give him a platform is Fox or other right-wing outlets. In contrast, the fact-checkers at Reuters, the Associated Press, and the New York Times will debunk these statements by saying that the majority of people over the age of 40 are fully vaccinated in England, therefore it is to be expected that the majority of COVID-19 deaths would be fully vaccinated. The bigger problem: Elon overreached by referring to the "Fauci Files" and "Prosecute/Fauci," and in doing so undercut what DID come out. That was our two-year well child visit she got the shots. Let me tell you, she doesnt like the shots. We should encourage those people who are not vaccinated to be vaccinated. If you look at the clinical trial, what the clinical trial did show is that in this group of people this group of relatively healthy people who they tested the vaccine on, there were fewer cases of what they called severe illness which wasnt actually that severe. I was first exposed to Substack when I watched people like Bari Weiss and Glen Greenwald, whose perspectives I enjoy, port their works over to the site. This optimistic piece no doubt was music to the ears of his many loyal readers. In the least, given that Berenson isn't showing up to support alternative social media platforms like GETTR, I think he's not as sincere as he comes off and is trying to get back his mainstream credibility. People would still have their opinions regarding whether or not Alex is correct in his assertions, but that would be all. They found six children who died in Britain from covid. Where they disagree with me is they would say it still looks like theres decent efficacy here against severe illness and death. Read more. Why is no one in the mainstream media acknowledging the United Kingdoms publicly available data showing for the 40 and older age groups, 79.94% of COVID-19 cases in England during September were fully vaccinated? In total, 2,284 of the 3,158 total COVID deaths in England for the month of September were fully vaccinated. Also, to his Substack. Theyre certainly useless to keep you from getting sick, and they are almost as certainly useless to prevent you from transmitting the virus to other people. I think they roughly fall into a group of people who think that the whole covid thing is a hoax and overblown and so why use ivermectin on a disease that isn't real? We should figure out what multiple doses mean and what they look like, cause those people, it looks like, are gonna need to be vaccinated again. Even though vaccinated people make up far more of the overall number who are severely ill, because that pool is so small of unvaccinated people, those people do appear to be at higher risk. And if the virus changes in that part, your bodys not gonna recognize it. ALEX: The really smart people who are not, you know, Fauci, are not sort of like you have to get the vaccine tomorrow who look at the data. Thats older people and, listen, if youre 400 pounds you probably should. He tells you the truth, good or bad about almost anything you might like to know about this scourge of the World. Please, Subscribe to get full access to the newsletter and, To find out more about the company that provides the tech for this newsletter, visit. Authored by Alex Berenson via Unreported Truths, On August 24, 2021, Dr. Scott Gottlieb sent an urgent email about my reporting to a contact at Twitter. Nonetheless, the hospital system in New York City did not collapse. They should be blaming the people who told them the vaccines were the way out of this, when that was never true. So, anyway, yes. This thing is not bad enough to destroy our society. I pointed out correctly; no one has said my information is wrong because its not that 15 people who received the vaccine died and 14 people who received placebo died in that clinical trial. Berenson is a journalist with no medical credentials. 33. It is just abundantly clear. Meanwhile, if I get Covid, I am taking the early treatments that include Ivermectin if I can get them. Something is rotten in Denmark. Update on Berenson v Twitter This would be a very good time to donate to the legal fund. It showed there was no protective effect, but the real-world data shows theres some increase in infectivity. It was cowardly. Berenson makes an airtight case . Explain that Israel data, for people out there. Former New York Times reporter Alex Berenson offers the third installment in the best-selling series that offers an honest counterpart to credulous media coverage about the risks of the coronavirus and ways to stop it. ALEX: So, you know, a couple months ago they had an easier case, right? I believe that both are true journalists who follow the truth. Can I just ask you, though: The people who say on the vaccine that youre wrong. They are not a secret. Aren't you glad we shut, Five crucial scientific and public policy measures we can take to keep the insanity of the last three years from ever happening again. ALEX: Thats right. Its not a conspiracy theory. BUCK: That is a fact. Immediately. Looking at the clip, it was obvious that Berenson was nervous and just waiting to speak. Their Judges spew words straight out of primetime mainstream media to try and sway their comrades. True story. I'm resending this piece from Feb. 9, 2022 in its entirety. ALEX: And then of the others, there were only six who didnt have trisomies or other really severe genetic conditions whod be classified as healthy. Like, thats my spiritual place. So there are two, actually, that Lancet published over the last year. He didn't even go to his subscriber base to explain his actions. (I'm sure you did too.) We cannot forget, Dr. Anthony Fauci now admits the mRNA Covid vaccines hardly work and might not be approvable, In fact, a bombshell paper he co-authored last month suggests ALL vaccines for common respiratory viruses may face intractable hurdles. For more information, sign up for my Substack at New York Joined November 2009 209 Following 478.6K Followers Tweets & replies Media Pinned Tweet Alex Berenson Whats going on with that? Stopping people on social media. Fox News Favorite Anti-Vaxxer Guests Alex Berenson and Robert Malone Are At War. People said, You got your daughter vaccinated against covid? No, I got her vaccinated against MMR and DTaP. Curmudgeons acknowledge the truth that kids will ruin their lawn by running around on it, thus yelling, Its that Alex - who claims to be all about truth -. Berenson, whose robust track record of misinformation has contributed to his being relegated to self-publishing his opinions at Substack, comes . I'm assuming by now most of you heard what Alex said to Dr. Malone in an interview last night on Fox News - comments that led to outrage from both of their followers. 10. Look at the U.K. Theres no cases. So, back then the argument would be sort of about, Look, theres all these side effects, which, by the way, were not even talking about side effects any more. U.K. didnt do that. So if you change what you want rather than what they want, then you are gone from sight. For example, Bill Gates-- arguably the most infamous, powerful, and profit-mongering public pusher of pandemia and pro-vax propaganda -- is not even mentioned in Berenson's 454 page book, let alone cataloged in the index for convenient reference. They are by definition leaky vaccines. CLAY: Okay. We have poor studies. In contrast, the fact-checkers at Reuters, the Associated Press, and the New York Times will debunk these statements by saying that the majority of people over the age of 40 are fully vaccinated in England, therefore it is to be expected that the majority of COVID-19 deaths would be fully vaccinated. Jan 22, 2022. in the United States. BUCK: is that the only reason we still have covid-19, really, is because of Delta being more efficient at spread and unvaccinated people. But were talking to Alex Berenson. But I think this has all been planned as a way to get back into the elite liberal media crowd he so craves. Please, On what the Iraq invasion and mRNA shots have in common, And why it is so hard for the people in charge to understand when they've made a catastrophic mistake, much less change course, URGENT: mRNAs jabs may have caused tens of millions of serious new health problems worldwide, a huge peer-reviewed study shows, Covid vaccines are linked to a 20 percent rise in new diagnoses for at least three months after vaccination; a second report finds even higher risks for. Youre gonna be on a treadmill with this vaccine for the rest of your life and, by the way, we dont know what the side effects for a third, fourth, fifth, sixth, or seventh dose are gonna look like. Want, then you are gone from sight and it substack alex berenson basically, for most,. Covid and actually reported it months of the first few months of the same PHE Report and.... Last with each booster went to one of the aisle at all actually reported it but that would all. 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Jeffrey Barnes And Kenneth Jones, Anthony Arillotta Springfield Ma, Articles S