Person-centered therapy is a specific type of _____ therapy. The second important factor is the clinical expertise of the psychologist or therapist. D) Small doses of psychostimulants decrease the activity level of these patients. - generalized anxiety disorder The approach can also benefit people who have low self-esteem, who are struggling with finding a purpose or reaching their potential, who lack feelings of wholeness, who are searching for personal meaning, or who are not comfortable with themselves as they are. Cognitive-behavioral and strategic therapists tend to emphasize the technical role of the therapist, while ______ and ______ therapists stress the artistic side of the person. A) limits and expectations imposed by others He is most likely to be diagnosed with: Brett has an intense, irrational fear of needles and other sharp objects. One morning, she wakes up to find that she has lost her hearing ability. C) a latent conflict Factors that might discourage the use of medications for psychological disorders include each of the following EXCEPT: On October 1, 60,000 shares of common stock were sold for cash at $9 per share. - Female physicians provide less patient-centered communication than do male physicians. - 30% of those interviewed had experienced narcissistic personality disorder. - deciding on and implementing the form of helping - displacementthe expression of an unwanted feeling is redirected from a more threatening person to a weaker one Sally was irritated as her cell phone got switched off due to low battery. In this scenario, it is most likely that Ken suffers from a(n), ________ is a form of amnesia in which the individual leaves home suddenly and assumes a new identity. Finally, Kristy is imaginative, independent, and fond of variety. - antisocial personality disorder. His communication is severely impaired. B) Older adults are especially sensitive to the effects of drugs. - Male physicians provide more information regarding the diagnosis and the prescribed treatment than do their female counterparts. Psychotherapy (sometimes called talk therapy) refers to a variety of treatments that aim to help a person identify and change troubling emotions, thoughts, and behaviors. Personality tests are also used in criminal cases and custody battles, and to assess psychological disorders. - amnesia He receives a phone call from the police station in his hometown, informing him that his mother has had an accident and has been hospitalized in critical condition. It is most likely that he has B) accepting - getting irritated due to a slow Internet connection at work - individuals may inherit an inborn sensitivity to schizophrenia. Humanistic psychology is a perspective that emphasizes looking at the whole individual and stresses concepts such as free will, self-efficacy, and self-actualization. This account begins with a balance of $297.15\$297.15$297.15. is a classification system that is not limited to mental and behavioral disorders focuses on global well-being through a multidisciplinary approach Correct! She receives an assignment from her professor that involves building a replica of a famous fort. D) a social worker, Which of the following are examples of therapies that represent the social component of the bio-psycho-social model of illness? - giving birth to a baby. - their friends are quitting narcissistic personality disorder is characterized by an. Large doses decrease it. Being in private practice for 23 years as a psychotherapist/coach my areas of expertise include: pre/postpartum depression adjustment support, blended family adjustment, parenting support, co . - their means of buying cigarettes are withdrawn. C) Psychological medication almost always produces long-term improvements. - antipsychoticsblock dopamine receptors Which of the following phrases is correctly labeled with one of Hans Eysenck's major personality dimensions? According to humanistic therapists, psychological disorders reflecta. This is because Ken has an intense fear of closed spaces. Dr. Chase believes that one's personality largely reflects inner forces over which one has no control. - the mobilization stage Which of the following occurs when the recipient thoughtfully considers the issues and arguments involved in persuasion? - The therapist should refer the patient to another professional toward whom the patient is unlikely to demonstrate transference. From the following Company A adjusted trial balance, prepare simple financial statements, as follows: Organic Food Co.'s Cash account shows a $5,500 debit balance and its bank statement shows$5,160 ondeposit at the close or business on August 31. - degree of sociabilityopenness - Quinnlow conscientiousness D) facilitate; rehabilitate, In one application of aversive conditioning, alcohol is paired with a drug that induces vomiting. - It is highly structured and focuses on concrete problems. Humanistic therapy was first created by Carl Roger and Abraham Maslow during the 20 th century. - In major depressive disorder, the individual feels useless, worthless, and lonely, and also thinks the future is hopeless. Cognitive therapy (CT) is a type of psychotherapy developed by American psychiatrist Aaron T. Beck.CT is one therapeutic approach within the larger group of cognitive behavioral therapies (CBT) and was first expounded by Beck in the 1960s. This wave of psychology is guided by a conviction that intentionality and ethical values are the key psychological forces determining human behaviour. Atypical antipsychotics affect both ________ and ________ levels in the brain. The emphasis in sessions is on a persons positive traits and behaviors and developing their ability to use their instincts to find wisdom, growth, healing, and fulfillment. - In mania, the individual cycles between periods of intense happiness on the one hand and deep depression on the other. The company bases its predetermined overhead rate on capacity, so its predetermined overhead rate is$74 per hour of bandsaw use. - anorexia Which of the following is the second stage of the general adaptation syndrome (GAS)? - craniotomy, Elliot Aronson, Robin M. Akert, Timothy D. Wilson. - aversion therapy \text{Ending inventories} & \text{\$ 0}\\ Clarissa's mother was 38 years old when she gave birth to her. It is most likely that he has: Patients diagnosed with _____ account for by far the largest percentage of those hospitalized with psychological disorders. - They are the major troubles that people encounter every day. - It emphasizes the fact that life is in reality sometimes irrational. - getting stuck in a severe traffic jam - the inability to find meaning in life and connection to others. A) psychoanalysis according to humanistic therapists, psychological disorders are primarily caused by: limits and expectations imposed by others Person-centered therapy The therapist attempts to provide unconditional positive regard unconditional positive regard all-accepting, not necessarily approving Flooding the client is exposed to his or her fear all at once failure at checkout (e.g., when submitting a credit card) after loading their shopping cart. Dr. Andersen attempts to bring about personal growth by using communication to develop insight. which of the following is major types of anxiety disorder? Common stock is no-par with a stated value of $5 per share; 600,000 shares are authorized. - Primary-care physicians cannot use technical terms with patients and thereby fail to communicate effectively. Does a Dog's Head Shape Predict How Smart It Is? unconscious conflicts and early experiences. She selects a group of children and assesses their fine motor skills every six months over a two-year period. - cognitive appraisal. Since January 1, 2013, 10,000 shares have been outstanding; 20,000 shares are authorized. The likelihood that an individual will help someone in an emergency situation is ________ correlated with the number of other people present. According to Freud, which of the following defense mechanisms is Nancy most likely using? A conversion disorder in which an individual's hand becomes entirely numb, while an area above the wrist, controlled by the same nerves, remains sensitive to touch is referred to as glove anesthesia. The ________ includes the conscience, which prevents us from behaving in a morally improper way by making us feel guilty if we do wrong. In the given scenario, from which of the following is Isabella most likely suffering? - It supports the notion that anxiety disorders are the result of people's feelings of loss or of anger directed inwardly at themselves. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition removes the outdated term "mental retardation" with: _____ is the transmission of feelings to a psychoanalyst of love or anger that had been originally directed to a patient's parents or other authority figures. - It focuses on the past experiences of the patient. How does the effect of psychostimulants on the activity level of ADHD patients vary with the size of the dose? It is best to view abnormal behavior and normal behavior as: inability or unwillingness to discuss or reveal certain memories, thoughts, motives, or experience, blank approaches to psychotherapy tend to be more successful than do blank approaches. 48% of those interviewed had experienced a disorder at some point in their lives. The TAT and the Rorschach are ________ tests of personality. For more, see person-entered therapy, gestalt therapy, narrative therapy, and existential therapy. - comorbidity was nonexistent. Which alternative correctly pairs a class of medication with a neurotransmitter that it influences? Female physicians provide more patient-centered communication than do male physicians. C) The drug with which alcohol is paired is a US. - In manic-depressive disorder, the individual seems to have lost his or her eyesight. A. cognitive B. psychodynamic C. behavioral Two children are participating in a memory research: Heather, a preschooler, and Illeana, a sixth-grader. He feels that anything that needs to be done should be done urgently. In humanistic view, psychological dysfunction is caused by an interruption in development because of social and emotional . According to Erikson, the first stage of a child's psychosocial development is the ________ stage. According to humanistic psychology, we have to _____ as a frame of reference in order to realize our actualizing tendency. D) both A and C, According to humanistic therapists, psychological disorders are primarily caused by Psychological disorders result from the inability to find meaning in life and from feelings of loneliness and a lack of connection to others. It is most likely that Eric has a ________ personality. It facilitates the development of deep insight into one's life. At its core, animal hoarding is the accumulation of a large number of animals to an extent that exceeds the person's ability to provide adequate care for them. The Handbook of Humanistic Psychology: Theory, Research and Practice. The humanistic perspective in psychology boils down to an outlook that focuses on empathy and the importance of goodness within the conduct of human beings. Write a one-page report on how businesses are attempting to stop employee or customer theft. The therapist can take advantage of transference to help the patient "redo" difficult relationships. - an initial surge in happiness, followed by a slide into deep depression. - the alarm stage They developed humanism as a new, more holistic approach less focused on pathology, past experiences, and environmental influences on behavior, and more on the positive side of human nature. Tricyclic drugs, MAO inhibitors, and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors are examples of which class of drugs? D) the Oedipus complex, Which of the following terms most nearly captures the essence of unconditional positive regard? Humanistic and existential psychotherapies use a wide range of approaches to case conceptualization, therapeutic goals, intervention strategies, and research methodologies. The Type B behavior pattern is characterized by, The key component of the Type A behavior pattern, hostility, is highly toxic because it. the surface description of a dream is called the ____ content. Roger is a manipulative, callous individual who has no regard for the moral and ethical rules of society or the rights of others. Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is used to treat, The first form of psychosurgery to be developed was the Intense, irrational fears of specific objects or situations are referred to as: After telling his psychoanalyst about his relationship with his ex-wife for a few minutes, Jerome suddenly becomes upset and changes the subject. from D. Saludos, info personal, frmulas de cortes, Psych 101 Exam 3: The Behaviorist and Social, Elliot Aronson, Robin M. Akert, Samuel R. Sommers, Timothy D. Wilson, Elliot Aronson, Robin M. Akert, Timothy D. Wilson. an initial surge in happiness, followed by a slow return to previous levels. (Use Note A. Can you think of any reasons for the difference? Explain. However, there are a lot of behavioral similarities between them. Which of the following constructs primarily reflects that "nature" is more influential than "nurture"? NetincomePreferreddividendsSharesofcommonstockoutstandingMarketpricepershareofcommonstock$410,000$60,00050,000$84. The parenting style adopted by Walter's parents is called. placing labels on individuals powerfully influences the way mental health workers perceive and interpret their actions. - dissociative identity disorder. . - schizophrenia is not related to social rejection. Based on the study conducted with more than 8,000 men and women between the ages of 15 and 54 in the United States, it was found that A) It has few, if any, cognitive side effects. individuals may inherit an inborn sensitivity to schizophrenia. This is a(n) ________ attribution. C. Psychologists can prescribe drugs for psychological disorders in most states. B. a block in the central processing unit of the brain. ________ is a behavioral treatment for anxiety in which people are confronted either suddenly with a stimulus that they fear. B) Psychological medication seems to work over the short term. he had no memory of his journey to Idaho. It suggests that people's maladaptive thoughts about the world are at the root of an anxiety disorder. - an initial surge in happiness, followed by a slow return to previous levels. - reaction formationunacceptable impulses are channeled into socially acceptable activities - humanistic, Jayden, a therapist, is treating Kayla, who is afraid of closed spaces. You give it to him. How might one best respond to the charge that behavior therapy produces only a superficial change in external behavior? Which of the following is true of trait approaches to personality? - being stranded in an earthquake affected area - It is brief and inexpensive. Talkspace - Simplest to use. Jay complains to his father that he wants more juice. Second Ed. C. biased memories. - 48% of those interviewed had experienced a disorder at some point in their lives. From a purely philosophical level, the humanistic perspective places great value on equality and human rights. In 1957 and 1958, Abraham Maslow and Clark Moustakas met with psychologists who shared their goal of establishing a professional association that emphasized a more positive and humanistic approach . Identify the condition afflicting Clarissa. Rachel is undergoing: Recently, Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) has been used to treat not only depression, but also: Which threat to the validity of outcome research is correctly matched with its definition? humanistic or supportive therapy yielded a pooled effect size of -0.25 (CI 95% = -0.5, -0.01). Jayden trains Kayla in relaxation techniques and then asks her to list her fears in increasing order of severity. Emotion-focused coping may be more effective than problem-focused coping when the situation is unchangeable. Humanistic psychology is a psychological perspective that arose in the mid-20th century in answer to two theories: Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytic theory and B. F. Skinner's behaviorism. Drawing deeply from work done in the fields of existential and religious philosophy, the humanist psychologists staked a claim to the idea of a "client centered psychotherapy" (rather than a technique-oriented therapy). Isabella's parents are firm as well, but are more likely to reason with her and explain the consequences of her behavior. - They vary in their conclusions about which traits are the most fundamental to personality. Social psychology is the scientific study of. Which alternative below correctly defines a social influence concept? In seeking a therapist, look for a licensed mental health professional with humanistic values and experience with a humanistic approach with whom you would feel comfortable discussing personal issues. Posttraumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, may result from. - antidepressantsincrease activity of GABA Association for Humanistic Psychology in Britain website. Clarissa suffers from an intellectual disability and doctors have diagnosed that her condition was due to the extra chromosome that she had received at the time of conception. They vary in their conclusions about which traits are the most fundamental to personality. - talkative behavior directed toward individuals on the basis of their membership in a particular group. ____ therapy seeks to bring unresolved past conflicts and unacceptable impulses from the unconscious into the conscious, where patients may deal with the problems more effectively. - They require a definitive response on the individual's part. D) outcome variable - the clients' prior medical histories, B) independent variable- the type of treatment clients receive. According to Carl Rogers' humanistic approach to personality, which of the following statements is TRUE? Humanistic psychologists believe that people are naturally good and that as long as their needs are met, they will develop into healthy individuals. 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