five importance of population censusfive importance of population census
The future belongs to creators, says Rotimi Bankole as he launches SBI Media Workshop, READ ALSO: 10 countries in the world with largest population without electricity as Nigeria overtakes India. Information from the census helps the government and local authorities to plan and fund local services, such as education, doctors surgeries and roads. What is the advantage of population data? 9. Lets take a closer look at the advantages of a population census to a countrys development and planning. Countries often embark on central planning in their attempt to increase the rate of economic development within the country. This can be difficult almost impossible to achieve if the authorities of the country do not know pertinent things about the country, such as the size, structure, and distribution of the countrys population. While a census identifies every member of the population of interest, sampling includes only a small segment of the group (source). Importance of census. The basic topics covered in population are birth, growth, age and death., Demographic population size isnt great, population distribution, urban area vs rural, low income vs high income areas, 1. It enables a country to know the rate at which the population grows, III. They care immensely about the topics and your success. Channeling of budgets to local authorities. Sample Method holds the chance of personal biases in the selection of samples. 1 What is the importance of population data? WebPopulation Characteristics: 5 Important Characteristics of Population Article shared by : ADVERTISEMENTS: The population has the following characteristics: 1. 11. What can I text my friend to make her smile? Data for sub-populations may be available, assumimg satisfactory response rates are achieved. Acquiring information on the subject of employment and wages by occupation, which may direct youngsters in their decision to chose a field of study. Identifying the size, structure and distribution of a population is essential for planning development related works. Building on suggestion 2, develop population pyramids for the prior and current census. These efforts are important since census outcomes affect decisions about and funding for programs designed to serve each of these populations. Mention and explain three factors that can lead to an, Mention and explain five reasons why the study of economics, Explain THREE factors which limit the importance of division, Mention Two types of partners and explain them. Determine why change has occurred. 3 Why is census important to the government? [5] The growth rate declined to 1.1% between 2015 and 2020 and is projected to decline further in The Census is one of many opportunities for statisticians to thrive and contribute to our communities. What are the advantages and limitations of census? A universe may be a place, a group of people or a specific locality through which we collect the data. All Rights Reserved to Planning and Statistics Authority, President of Planning and Statistics Authority, National Summary Data Page (NSDP) - Qatar. That number has grown steadily since the middle of the 20th century. Acquisition of information on the average wage in various localities and comparing it with the level of development in them. The most interesting person I met was a 92 year old woman that was getting married! Using the data in determining municipal tax areas adapted to the characteristics of the population. In this article, you will find lots of information about population census. 4. Each person is counted at the same time. What are the importance of census in national development? 6. These measures also help planners select the best strategies to communicate with residents. Employment of statisticians is predicted to grow by 35 percent from 2020 to 2030, much faster than the average for all occupations. I've never felt more motivated to learn. An individual census has a certain amount of value, but that value increases significantly when the data from multiple censuses can be compared over time. It provides necessary data enabling the assessment of the population status in Qatar during the inter-census period as well as monitoring demographic, social and economic changes taking place during the same period in various administrative divisions. To provide basic data for all sectors in the country (education, health, population, etc.) Reasons why Population Census is Important in every Country 1. Housing: Government would be able to know whether the houses available are enough for the population For example, children aged 10-14 in 2000 were age 0-4 in 1990. Indeed, the importance of accurate population census as the basic tool for good development planning in a country cannot be over emphasized because it is a sine WebThe impetus to collect population data was reinforced due to food supply concerns and war against France in the late 18th century and the beginning of the early 19th century. Advance your career and meet the growing demand for high-paying statistics and data analytics positions. WebThe highest global population growth rates, with increases of over 1.8% per year, occurred between 1955 and 1975, peaking at 2.1% between 1965 and 1970. So, lets get started. Population census makes it possible for the government to make a comparison between different groups of people across the country. The United Nations recognizes the importance of census statistics worldwide and lists five parameters for a valid census, including: 2) Universality within a defined territory. III. [5] ADA | & Title IX | Notice of Non-Discrimination, statisticians are at the forefront of utilizing census data to improve lives, Career Paths For Applied Statistics Graduates, What is a Census and Why Does it Matter? 2. Cookies are small files that are stored on your browser. Why is census important to the government? 3. Census method refers to the complete enumeration of a universe. Census statistics enable them to select a mid-sized city that has a growing population of their target market: young professionals with moderate to high income. Editor 3. It provides data on expatriates' number, distribution and characteristics in Qatar, especially the immigrant workforce, with a high degree of precision, instead of dependence on estimates. WebIt is important for the 2020 Census to accurately capture the rate of population growth. Census statistics have important implications for virtually every aspect of daily life, including the following (source): Consider a few key examples of how census statistics find vital real-world application: One of the most obvious and important applications of census statistics is in the ongoing forming and reforming of representative government in the United States. C. Introduction Primary Marketing research is a technique of collecting customized, original information from potential consumers that shows their buying behavior, preferences, and behaviors concerning certain products or services. In addition to providing specific information and statistics for a given census year, census data is also relevant in non-census years. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. This is one way the country can enjoy the respect of the international community. Indeed, the importance of accurate population census as the basic tool for good development planning in a country cannot be over emphasized because it is a sine qua non for meaningful development in the country. National and regional population data obtained from censuses play an essential role in estimating the environmental impact of population growth, use of water, land and other resources. Additional editing, resources in industrial technology for the benefit of the nation. From 2007 to 2016, the median net worth of the top 20% increased 13%, to $1.2 million. It is also important in providing the base population for the estimates of statistics obtained from demographic surveys. Why is it important to conduct a census instead of a survey? Webcensus, an enumeration of people, houses, firms, or other important items in a country or region at a particular time. It provides data used by the government for policy-making, planning and administration aimed at enhancing the welfare of the people. s|. WebWhile the Census has various important uses, there are four that are especially important to the Capital Region: 1. 5) Learning about special population groups: There is an increasing concern in regard to specific population groups e.g. Despite the introduction of policies and programmes over the last 50 years to address Nigerias rapid population growth and the challenges it poses for development, the country is projected to become the third-largest nation in the world by mid-century according to 2015 report by the United Nations Population Division. Examples: Examining the need for establishing early childhood services and public gardens in areas where there is a high percentage of children of this age. What are the four sources of population data? According to the 2019 census report, about 3.5 million people were living with disabilities in South Africa (making up 6.6% of the total population). This was achieved by raising awareness about the importance of key interventions, promoting healthy household behaviors (including Essential Newborn Care, appropriate infant and young child feeding, prevention and treatment of childhood diarrhea, handwashing and household hygiene), and utilization of health services for antenatal care The Census Bureau works with agencies servicing homeless populations and even conducts events intended to encourage homeless men and women to participate (source). People are re- quired to feed more children with the same income. The primary sources of the population data on the population size, characteristics and demographic structure are the census, projections, the registrations, migration reports and the surveys. Usually a day during the time the census is being taken is chosen, and everyone responding to the census answers who was living in their household on that day. Without census, a government simply cannot know the total number of people living in the country. A population census is a very important source for population estimates needed to calculate vital rates based on data derived from civil registration. Census can help in controlling the population growth of a country. Population census provides statistical data for economic planning. Employment Opportunities and Control: The number of employed people could easily be known by the government through population census and this makes it possible for the government to know the number of employment opportunities to generate and control. Examples of research: Means of transportation to work and socio-economic status in Israel. Population Density: The density of the population of the different areas of a country can easily be known. It is the most accurate count of a countrys population on which official planning can be based upon. It has many advantages to the political, social, and economic sectors of a country. I also like to be a Census Taker I think thats something exciting and new, I once worked as census taker and its very good job. 1. Why population data is important for planning and development? And this is critical for achieving sustained growth because large urban centers allow for innovation and increase economies of scale. Rapid population growth makes it more difficult for low-income and lower-middle-income countries to afford the increase in public expenditures on a per capita basis that is needed to eradicate poverty, end hunger and malnutrition, and ensure universal access to health care, education and other essential services. These data are then used to estimate the characteristics of the whole population. That represents a growth rate of 6.3 percent since the 2010 census. It helps to formulate policies and programs which help for solutions. After this years head count, future population census timing interval must be well thought-out, ensuring that an interval of ten (10) years is maintained for accuracy of data in line with globally accepted standards. 7. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Census not only allows the government to know the total population of the country, but also whether the country is over-populated or under-populated. Whether or not they realize it, millions of Americans have anticipated the 2020 census, as it will determine how hundreds of billions of dollars are spent to serve and improve our communities. 13. | | | Educational Attainment and Literacy| Used to provide information on the educational skills of the work force. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. We use cookies and similar technologies to ensure our website works properly, personalize your browsing experience, analyze how you use our website, and deliver relevant ads to you. A population census is at the center of every planning activity and no meaningful development planning activity can be conducted without taking into account population census data. Is Your Relationship Fulfilling or Draining? WebThe importance of a population census The census plays an essential role in public administration. Web5. What is the need and importance of population education? A growing population leads to an increase in total output. Why do governments need data about population? | | | Marital Status| Used to provide insights into family formation and housing needs. Privacy Policy. To define the conditions of economic and social enterprises in the public and private sectors in terms of the legal status, economic activity and workforce size by gender and nationality. Population census helps the government to estimate its expected revenue from direct tax. Redistricting is the process of revising the geographic boundaries of areas from which people elect representatives to the U.S. House of Representatives, a state legislature, a county or city council, a school board, etc. Population size: Population census helps the government to know the total number of people in the country. As a result, the census is an important part of our national heritage and collective knowledge. You can make reliable estimates of the population with less time, effort, and money. These features give room for geo referencing the point of interviews using GPS. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. Britt and Jennifer also have two children, so before moving, they study statistics about housing and schools to determine the best place to buy a home. 2023 - Businessday NG. It provides a database on which are built population projections and workforce projections. how was it partaking in a population census?. Calls may be recorded for quality assurance and training purposes. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. F. Students and pupils writing seminar papers and research projects for graduate degrees, based on data from the population and housing census; writing papers for school. Knowing basic census statistics satisfies our curiosity about how many people share our space. The data provided in this census is then used for reseach purposes, business marketing, planning, and various other sampling needs. Identification of locations suitable for opening a business, by the self-employed. This will be positively reflected on the accurate measurement of the various phenomena to be investigated such as fertility, mortality and migration, which are used as the basis for calculating population growth rates and estimates of the post-census population. Free Samples and Examples of Essays, Homeworks and any Papers, Filed Under: Essays Tagged With: Demography, For planners, census information is used in just about all planning decisions. A population is mainly determined by geographies, such as all people in California, or all people in the United States. Michigan Technological University1400 Townsend Drive, Houghton, Michigan 49931-1295. Indeed, the importance of accurate population census as the basic tool for good development planning in a country cannot be over emphasized because it is a sine qua non for meaningful development. Iam also a census taker in 2006 Nigerian census it was very interesting. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. This Law empowers the Government Statistician to conduct statistical surveys and any census in Ghana. One of our dedicated admissions advisors will contact you shortly to discuss next steps. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Every 10 years the census gathers information on the population of the United A census is an effort to identify and count each and every individual. Wednesday, July 14, 1852. For now, if Nigeria must get it right and plan with facts, the commission must strive to conduct credible and widely acceptable census. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. The most spoken language in the area is Swahili and Mijikenda. 1. Importance of population data. It must be conducted by government of the state or country where the census is taking place. WebTHE "Wellington Independent." However, in the almost 15 years since the last census, Nigeria has made plans based on population projections by the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) which had projected that the countrys population would have grown up to 193 million persons in 2016, a 37.8% increase over a ten-year period. Census statistics have important implications for virtually every aspect of daily life, including the following : Allocating political power; Distribution of federal funds Blogger. Population Education suggests the government to plan for better future. We're sorry, but in order to log in and use all the features of this website, you will need to enable JavaScript in your browser. Why is population census important in every country? The census covers a clearly defined territoryfor example, the entire countryand includes every person present or living within its scope. II. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Now i understand why Nigeria dont want to conduct census. Their contents are interesting and instructive. But in Nigeria, it has become a difficult and sensitive issue due to its implications for shaping geopolitical, state and ethnic relations and equity of power. Make Valentines Day One To Remember With Tickets To See Stephen Ward, Summer Rain Outdoor Activities With The Kids. E. Journalists acquisition of information from the census data, on subjects which serve for conducting research and as backgrounds for articles. That The information can be used to develop economic development strategies. | | | Sex| Sex ratios can be calculated by 5-year age groups to crudely observe migration, especially among the working age cohorts. We have received Auckland papers to Juno 12. They help environmental agencies analyze energy consumption, identify conservation opportunities, and forecast energy needs. Concentrations of one age group, ethnic group or, 3. in or register, The Census Method rules out the possibility of any personal biases. In summary, we use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Conclusion Statistics from investigation of Census Bureau Data post-stratified ratio alteration to population direction totals. Register or login to make commenting easier. Advantages: Usually the only option it would be a rare scenario to have data on an ENTIRE population. This may not be equally available in all areas. A comprehensive census is different from other statistical methods in the following ways: It looks like your browser does not have JavaScript enabled. We may share your site usage data with our social media, advertising, and analytics partners for these reasons. In addition to conducting the national census every ten years, the Census Bureau collects and manages data on an ongoing basis, including the following: While U.S. residents are required by law to participate in the census, counting over 300 million people is no small chore. What are the advantages of population data? Since the goal of a census is a full and accurate count, the Census Bureau is equipped to locate and identify individuals who cannot or will not respond to traditional methods (source). The last national population census in Nigeria took place in 2006. But this is a wrong notion because if other countries are getting it right, we must get it right too. It is always recommended to visit an institution's official website for more information. Web5. This period allows the government to capture the changes in structure and movement of population correctly. Labor: The number of labor available at a particular time in an area can be determined through population census. How to prepare Banana Ice cream/Yoghurt/Buns, Importance of eating CUCUMBER- Nutritional and Surprising Super Food Healer, Reasons why Population Census is Important in every Country, THE NIGERIAN STOCK MARKET CRASH (CAUSES AND EFFECTS), 5 Ways Online Gaming Contributes to the Society, Beware These Pitfalls Of A Hectic Lifestyle, 3 Tips for Boosting Your Confidence and Increasing Your Opportunities. To provide an accurate picture of the status and features of houses for the purpose of assisting in drawing up housing and construction plan for the future. It has both daily and Sunday titles. This is a lesson from the tutorial, Population and you are encouraged to log Population growth increases density and, together with rural-urban migration, creates higher urban agglomeration. These mediation analyses suggested that different patterns of credit spending are important mediators of the relationship between the receipt of the child tax credit and mental illnesses. Submit your information to access a comprehensive digital program guide. Arithmetic Density: The total number of people divided by the total land area. Census data on residential mobility provides a better understanding of spatial differences and changes in the socio-economic status of residents. Here, we will discuss the importance of population census in planning and development of the country. Population census may be defined as a regular counting of the number of women, men, children, able and disabled people in a country by the government for the purpose of economic planning and development. Pregnancy test with salt: How it works and how to do it properly? By the government to know the rate at which the population growth in industrial technology for the time... Here, we use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website for... This is critical for achieving sustained growth because large urban centers allow for innovation increase. 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