Tel : Knights of Columbus Council 5494 Fr. December 18, 2011 Bulletin PhotosNo Greater Love April 22, 2018, performed by Xavier Co. June 10, 2012 Bulletin Window VII. We focus our sights on guiding each child on a personal journey to become closer to Jesus and embrace their Roman Catholic Faith. refi payment: $3,456/mo Refinance your loan Home value Owner tools Home details Neighborhood details Tap into your home's equity Zillow makes it simple to explore your cash-out refinance options. May 25, 2014 Bulletin May 1, 2011 Bulletin July 28, 2013 A victim of sexual abuse at the age of 15 by a priest and mentor, Bambrick tracked down his abuser and arranged for him to be removed from the priesthood. But no matter how you see yourself, please know that you have a place - a home here with us. October 12, 2014 Bulletin No. Additional notes on native and non-native turtles of the Rio Grande Drainage Basin, New Mexico. Good Shepherd, Alice Occhipinti: John Stoddard . Your privacy is important to us and we will never rent or sell your information. February 26, 2012 Bulletin October 21, 2012 Bulletin Visitor or newcomer, welcome to St. Joseph Parish. and searches tirelessly Login . Mass of Christian Burial~Rev. 808 Saint Joseph Pl, Toms River, NJ 08753 Sold : $495,000Sold on 07/30/20 Zestimate : $704,400 Est. var path = 'hr' + 'ef' + '='; Bulletin. One of our sales represenatives will follow up with you shortly. July 20, 2014 Bulletin May 23, 2010 Bulletin Parish Life Bulletins Mausoleum & Funerals Links RCCTR Hall Rental Parish Photos News & Events February 14, 2010 Bulletin Aller directement au contenu. Also, if you need directions to St. Joseph, please click here. April 28, 2013 Bulletin Of his stay at St. Joes, which began in June 2008, Bambrick said, When I became the pastor four years ago, it was with the knowledge and express agreement the term would be for no more than five years. October 27, 2013 Bulletin November 17, 2013 Bulletin Communications. June 2, 2013 Bulletin We are pleased to welcome you to the parish of St. Joseph in Toms River, NJ. March 25, 2012 Bulletin Sunday: 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 10:30 am, 12:00 noon, 5:00 pm. 11:30 am Sunday Summer Formation (April through November)Mass is celebrated under the tentIn-car congregation parks on church side of the lot, listens to Mass on 88.7 FM, Communion is brought to the cars, and collection baskets are brought to the cars. 5:00 pm Service of Ashes in the parking lot N.B. 4,457 were here. November 30, 2014 Bulletin September 1, 2013 Bulletin We are sinners that dare to trust in the mercy promised. Sign Me Up. The survival of the schools was very important, he added. January 20, 2013 Bulletin You do not need to be a member of Facebook to participate. Teresa Gill - Coordinator of Missionary Discipleship, St. Joseph Parish or 243-0209 (parish office) Divine Mercy Sunday 4/11/21 All are invited to celebrate Divine Mercy Sunday on April 11th. Our Patron, Saint Joseph; Parish Vision; Parish History July 6, 2014 Bulletin April 3, 2011 Bulletin Keeping Kids Safe. January 24, 2010 Bulletin Window XII. April 11, 2010 Bulletin Healing of the Blind Ones. Oct. 15th 12noon, Our Newley Renovated Church Let Us Go Rejoicing, Church Renovation Photos In the Beginning. Saturday: 5:00pmSunday: 7:30am, 9:00am,10:30am, 12:00pm, 5:00pm,6:30pm (Espanol), Summer Months: Saturday:5:30pmSunday: 9:00am, Monday-Friday: 7:00am, 9:00amSaturday: 8:00am, Open from 9:00am-9:00pmCall 732-349-0018 x2255 for access code, St. Gertrude's Church103 Central Ave.Island Heights, NJ 08732, Every Second Sunday of the Month Mass: 9:00am, Summer Months:Saturday Mass: 5:30pmSunday Mass: 9:00am, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, The Art of Palm Folding for Kids ~ Register Here, St. Gertrude Church ~ 103 Central Ave, Island Heights. An occurrence of a red-eared turtle (Trachemys scripta elegans) in the Waikato River at Hamilton, New Zealand. that we may reflect Your likeness December 9, 2012 Bulletin St. Joseph Roman Catholic Church St. Joseph Catholic Church, Toms River, NJ | Features include parish news, Mass and Confessions schedule, bulletins, . Mass times and detailed church information for St. Joseph located in Toms River, New Jersey. March 18, 2012 Bulletin July 15, 2012 Bulletin December 5, 2010 Bulletin Funeral Rites. Patrick McPartland, the high schools chaplain, concerning Bishop OConnells letter to parishioners regarding the inclusion of contraception in health care coverage. Rev. If you are a parish representative and would like to learn more about making your weekly bulletins available on, complete the form below and we will followup with you shortly. burns this week in loving memory of Eileen Keyasko requested by Family. Window IX. Blessed Mother . 4:45 pm Saturday [Livestreamed]No restrictions in sections 1, 2, 5, 6, and 7Every other pew in section 3Every other pew and masks are worn in section 4, 8:00 am SundayOpen seating in sections 1 and 7Every other pew and masks are worn in sections 2-6, 9:30 am Sunday [Livestreamed]Same as Saturday, 4:45 pm. March 24, 2013 Palm Sunday St. Joseph Catholic Church - Bulletin Bulletin Weekly bulletins to keep connected to what's happening with the parish. November 16, 2014 Bulletin November 24, 2013 Bulletin var addy_textf6b856f6e498c600d53d03859bafe549 = 'info' + '@' + 'stjoekp' + '.' + 'com';document.getElementById('cloakf6b856f6e498c600d53d03859bafe549').innerHTML += ''+addy_textf6b856f6e498c600d53d03859bafe549+'<\/a>'; March 20, 2011 Bulletin St. Luke 1674 Old Freehold Rd. If you are prompted to sign in, or join, or create an account, click not now to begin watching without a Facebook account. Bulletin This week's bulletin Streaming Masses Schedule 2023 Mass Intention Request Form Healthcare Mass 10/16/22 Mass Schedule We have more than a dozen Masses each week. February 27, 2011 Bulletin We are saints that often struggle. June 24, 2012 Bulletin Archived Bulletins. DiscoverMass and have partnered together to help make a single place to manage Parish info for the public. January 22, 2012 Bulletin St. Justin the Martyr Parish Established November 10, 1972 975 Fischer Blvd. Register Here for the Religious Education Academy 2023. Saturday 4:00 PM. The views expressed in this post are the author's own. December 8, 2013 Bulletin May 18, 2014 Bulletin Bambrick's announcement, included within the weekly bulletin distributed to parishioners after Sunday Mass, concluded, "it has been a privilege to serve as your pastor and I am deeply grateful to. Ascension. June 5, 2011 Bulletin This site uses cookies from Google to deliver its services and to analyze traffic. Saint Justin's Parish serves as the focal point for the spiritual, social, and recreational needs of it's now 4,500 plus families, with over 19 different parish ministries serving and enhancing all aspects of parish life. New Mass Schedule. Eve of the Holy Day: 5:00PM MassHoly Day: 8:35AM and 7:00PM. March 17, 2013 Bulletin September 15, 2013 Bulletin Easter Sunday Bulletin September 25, 2011 Bulletin and enjoy the spring of Living Water that never ends. Office Hours: 9:00 am - 1:00 pm Monday - Thursday & Closed Fridays. About the Bereavement Ministry. The Fabulous 50s Doo-Wop Dinner Dance Party, 2022 Photos, Photos Rosary Rally for our Country, Sat. Due to COVID-19 closures, many churches are not gathering for Mass. Click on a Mass to watch it live at its scheduled time, or to watch a replay after its conclusion. Saturday, February 18. . June 6, 2010 Bulletin St. Joseph Catholic Church 130 5th Street Garden City, NY 11530 Phone: (516) 747-3535. Help us to hear and follow Your voice. Bambrick said he did not know what his duties might entail when he returns from his Sabbatical. January 3, 2010 Bulletin. Saturday, October 1, 2022 Mass of Christian Burial-Eva Carey. April 25, 2010 Bulletin December 4, 2011 Bulletin John P. Bambrick, pastor of in Toms River, has requested and been granted a transfer by the Most Rev. Justins Center of Learning, St. Justin the Martyr Social Concerns Ministry, FUNERAL PLANNING MUSIC SELECTION, LAZARUS MINISTRY, FUNERAL PLANNING READINGS FROM THE OLD & NEW TESTAMENT, LAZARUS MINISTRY, Guidelines for making the most of the Lenten seasonBishop OConnell, St. Patrick/St. Window of the Mystical Rose. April 29, 2012 Bulletin August 28, 2011 Bulletin March 27, 2011 Bulletin Toms River, N.J. 08753 Parish Office: 732-270-3980 Religious Education: 732-270-3797 Mass Schedule Saturday Vigil: 5:00pm Sunday: 8:00am; 9:30am; 11:30am Monday-Thursday: 8:00am Holy Days: See Bulletin Symbolism. who protects the flock Neither Bambrick nor Samaha chose to comment on the situation as the case is still under appeal. March 6, 2011 Bulletin May 11, 2014 Bulletin Office Hours: Saturday and Sunday - 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM Monday to Friday - 9:30AM to 8:00PM (closed 12-1 for lunch) For Emergencies, please call (516) 434-1516 Toms River Youth Wrestling Club Marks Growth With 50th Straight Win, Scammers Pretending To Be Toms River Police, Officials Warn. Welcome to the Church of St. Luke Our Ash Wednesday Schedule is: Mass with Ashes: 7:30 am & 11:00 am and Services with Ashes: 4:15 pm & 6:00 pm. Today's Readings Updates are currently being routed through John the Evangelist. Requests may be emailed to or dropped off at the Rectory, Monday-Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. 1795 Columbia Ave. June 19, 2011 Bulletin Recovery and Healing from the Abuse Crisis. Friday 9:00 AM - 1:00PM. October 3, 2010 Bulletin BulletinsDaily ReflectionsMass Schedule (Intentions and Presiders), Diocese of MetuchenBishop James Checchio, JCD, MBA, 2015, St. Joseph Parish34 Yorktown Road Millstone Borough Hillsborough, NJ 08844(908) 874-3141, EMERGENCIESSacrament of Anointing:Call 908-874-3141 and press 1 for a priest.Crisis Pregnancy Hotline:732-516-0911Suicide Prevention:National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 988NJ Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255)Teen Crisis Text Hotline:Text 741741Emergency Meals Ministry:Lee ParasoleH.O.M.E. See you at one soon! Mass Schedule. May 29, 2011 Bulletin October 31, 2010 Bulletin WEEKLY MASS SCHEDULE. St. Joseph's Catholic Church Toms River | Toms River NJ December 11, 2011 Bulletin January 27, 2013 Bulletin Sanctuary Lamp in the Church. August 29, 2010 Bulletin I love You above all things, and I desire to receive You into my soul. Find Us. February 16, 2014 Bulletin Funeral Planning. Father Hank meets parishioners for 1 to 2 hours in the parking lot on Saturday mornings for confession, the sacrament of the sick, and conversation. February 28, 2010 Bulletin May 31, 2017. 130 Saint Maximilian Lane * Toms River, NJ 08757. The parish campus is comprised of seven buildings. Liturgy & Sacraments. January 17, 2010 Bulletin October 28, 2012 Bulletin April 7, 2013 Bulletin March 23, 2014 May 19, 2013 Bulletin The Knights of Columbus will be offering a free pancake breakfast after the 7:30 and 9:30 Masses. March 9, 2014 Bulletin Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. Mass times for St. Joseph are below. January 8, 2012 Bulletin Three months of that time will be spent studying in Rome. July 3, 2011 Bulletin March 4: Dan Duddy, St. Joseph, Toms River. February 17, 2013 Bulletin SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION/Confession During Lent: As last year, confessions will not be heard on Saturdays. October 30, 2011 Bulletin February 23, 2014 Bulletin for those who wander from the fold, October 9, 2011 Bulletin January 10, 2010 Bulletin January 26, 2014 Bulletin Women Only Meeting -Need Encouragement? April 10, 2011 Bulletin December 12, 2010 Bulletin Monday , September 12, 2022 Mass of Christian Burial-Frances Harold. Bambrick went on to confront other abusive priests, becoming a champion for the rights of the sexually abused. Toms River, New Jersey 08755-2182 Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic Church (Byzantine Rite) 4.2 mi. The 4:00PM & 10:00AM Masses . November 20, 2011 Bulletin Msgr. November 14, 2010 Bulletin December 23, 2012 Bulletin April 22, 2012 Bulletin 56 - Jim Dolan' Points: 2,175; School: St. Joseph of Toms River (now Donovan Catholic) Graduated: 1982; April 17, 2011 Bulletin (Passion Sunday) October 14, 2012 Bulletin St. Justin the Martyr Roman Catholic Church, Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic Church (Byzantine Rite), St. Pio of Pietrelcina Roman Catholic Church. October 23, 2011 Bulletin November 28, 2010 Bulletin Please see our complete schedule below. Join us at Mass and in our many ministries and events. Official website of St. Joseph's Catholic Parish. August 31, 2014 Bulletin February 7, 2010 Bulletin On FRIDAY MARCH 31 5:30 -7:00 pm, several priests will be available to hear confessions. March 3, 2013 Bulletin We are saints that often struggle. St. Joseph Catholic Church Iglesia Catlica de San Jos 230 N. 3rd Street Grand Junction, CO 81501 "Building the foundation of the faith together" "Construyendo juntos los cimientos de la fe" PARISH INFORMATION INFORMACIN PARROQUIAL WWW.STJOSEPHGJ.ORG Phone: (970) 243-0209 Fax: (970) 243-7493 Office Hours/Horas de Oficina Please submit your bulletin requests to the Rectory on or before Monday, 12 Noon. October 6, 2013 Bulletin You need JavaScript enabled to view it. November 11, 2012 Bulletin Our previous record was 354 at the 4 PM Christmas Vigil Mass. September 18, 2011 Bulletin April 14, 2013 Bulletin June 3, 2012 Bulletin StreamSpot is an all-inclusive streaming solution for churches, synagogues and events delivering high-quality streams to any Internet connected device. Warrington, PA 18976 August 12, 2012 Bulletin You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Hes a good pastor.. Resurrection. August 3, 2014 Bulletin November 2, 2014 Bulletin October 7, 2012 Bulletin June 8, 2014 Bulletin 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 We livestream daily Mass at 8:35 am and weekend Masses at 4:45 pm Saturday and 9:30 am Sunday at The bishop gave me a specific charge to fulfill, that being to get the parishs finances, which Bambrick described as grave, in order. Though next to one another, these buildings are located in both Oradell and New Milford, NJ. July 13, 2014 Bulletin May 2, 2010 Bulletin Mass times for St. Joseph are below. August 21, 2011 Bulletin Window XI. August 19, 2012 Bulletin July 24, 2011 Bulletin October 16, 2011 Bulletin September 5, 2010 Bulletin St. Justin the Martyr Parish Established November 10, 1972 975 Fischer Blvd. Window Ten (B). Join us at Mass and in our many ministries and events. Email: Parish Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00am-4:30pm: St. Joseph's Food Pantry 732-240-1089 . Join us at Mass and in our many ministries and events. August 17, 2014 Bulletin A welcoming community of disciples journeying toward, with and for Jesus Christ. October 24, 2010 Bulletin September 30, 2012 Bulletin September 12, 2010 Bulletin May 4, 2014 Bulletin January 30, 2011 Bulletin September 28, 2014 Bulletin RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults), Faith At Home Resources-Diocese Of Trenton, Parish Ministry Meeting Cancellations/Weather Related Changes, Holy Innocents Society/St. December 1, 2013 Bulletin March 21, 2010 Bulletin June 23, 2013 Bulletin September 2, 2012 Bulletin We are sinners that dare to trust in the mercy promised. September 16, 2012 Bulletin | Contact Us | Sign-up for Parish Emails, Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA), The New Evangelization & Missionary Discipleship, February 26, 2023 - First Sunday in Lent, Year A, February 19, 2023 - Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A, February 12, 2023 - Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A, February 5, 2023 - Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A, January 29, 2023 - Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A, January 22, 2023 - Third Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A, January 15, 2023 - Second Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A, January 8, 2023 - The Epiphany of the Lord, Year A, January 1, 2023 - Mary, Mother of God, Year A, December 25, 2022 - The Nativity of Our Lord, Year A, December 18, 2022 - Fourth Sunday of Advent, Year A, December 11, 2022 - Third Sunday of Advent, Year A, December 4, 2022 - Second Sunday of Advent, Year A, November 27, 2022 - First Sunday of Advent, Year A, November 20, 2022 - Solemnity of Christ the King, Year C, November 13, 2022 - 33rd Sunday of Ordinary Time, Year C, November 6, 2022 - 32nd Sunday of Ordinary Time, Year C, October 30, 2022 - 31st Sunday of Ordinary Time, Year C, October 23, 2022 - 30th Sunday of Ordinary Time, Year C, October 16, 2022 - 29th Sunday of Ordinary Time, Year C, October 9, 2022 - 28th Sunday of Ordinary Time, Year C, October 2, 2022 - 27th Sunday of Ordinary Time, Year C, September 25, 2022 - 26th Sunday of Ordinary Time, Year C, September 18, 2022 - 25th Sunday of Ordinary Time, Year C, September 11, 2022 - 24th Sunday of Ordinary Time, Year C, September 4, 2022 - 23rd Sunday of Ordinary Time, Year C, August 28, 2022 - 22nd Sunday of Ordinary Time, Year C, August 21, 2022 - 21st Sunday of Ordinary Time, Year C, August 14, 2022 - 20th Sunday of Ordinary Time, Year C, August 7, 2022 - 19th Sunday of Ordinary Time, Year C. This email address is being protected from spambots. Accept the gift of our gratitude Bambricks announcement, included within the weekly bulletin distributed to parishioners after Sunday Mass, concluded, it has been a privilege to serve as your pastor and I am deeply grateful to God for allowing me to share this part of faith's journey with you.. Request access on the Bulletins tab of a church listing. Still, some in the parish will not regret the end of Bambricks pastorate which, at times, has been contentious, a term Bambrick categorically denied. Wednesday, January 4, 2023- Mass of Christian Burial-John DeMillio, Saturday, October 1, 2022 Mass of Christian Burial-Eva Carey, Monday , September 12, 2022Mass of Christian Burial-Frances Harold, Saturday , September 10, 2022Celebration of Life~Paul Scavuzzo, Friday July 29, 2022-Mass of Christian Burial~Rev. February 10, 2013 Bulletin 1937 Church Road . Toms River, N.J. 08753. John B. Wehrlen, Tuesday, June 14, 2022-Palliative Care Discussion with Dr Marianne Holler, Sunday, June 12, 2022-Palliative Care Discussion with Dr Marianne Holler, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, ALL PREVIOUS LIVESTREAMS CAN BE ACCESSED THROUGH OUR FACEBOOK PAGE . for Your marvelous care. September 8, 2013 Bulletin August 8, 2010 Bulletin In this week's bulletin: Mass schedule, parish meetings, and an Independence Day prayer. June 16, 2013 Bulletin Mark A. Kreder, Pastor. January 15, 2012 Bulletin Some have questioned his high-handed labor negotiations with teachers at the parishs two schools looking to organize. February 5, 2012 Bulletin The views expressed here are the author's own. document.getElementById('cloakf6b856f6e498c600d53d03859bafe549').innerHTML = ''; Presider Schedule. who lays down His Life for His sheep, jeudi 15 octobre 1981, Journaux, Ottawa :[Le droit],1913- . April 20, 2014 Bulletin Easter Sunday Parish Office: 732-270-3980 St. Gertrude, Island Heights, June - September, St. Gertrude, Island Hts., June - September, October - May, 2nd Sunday only, Miraculous Medal & St. Jude Novena, after 9 am Mass. ~ Friday, March 23, 7:00PM St. Luke, Toms River ~ Tuesday, March 27, 7:00PM Kempton, Simon Amato, Jo Hardardt, Pat Petzold, Nina Parisi, There will be no confessions heard at St. Luke . April 15, 2012 Bulletin June 22, 2014 Bulletin 11:30 am Sunday Winter Formation (November through April)Mass is celebrated in church same restrictions as 4:45In-car congregation parks in rows 15-20, listens to Mass on 88.7 FM, Communion is brought to the cars, and collection baskets are brought to the cars. September 22, 2013 Bulletin August 1, 2010 Bulletin Window Ten (A). Wednesday, January 4, 2023- Mass of Christian Burial-John DeMillio. Meet Our Priest. St. Joseph, Toms River ~ Thursday, March 22, 7:00PM St. Justin , Toms River. Windows: Group Three. April 21, 2013 Bulletin July 25, 2010 Bulletin Download a helpful Examination of Conscience. Gerry on a Pilgrimage. The daughter of the late Gregor Luke and Apollonia Pitonyak Beckes, she was born June 14, 1918 in Bitumen, Pennsylvania. We will continue streaming Masses daily and on Sunday. July 4, 2010 Bulletin May 20, 2012 Bulletin 130 Saint Maximilian Lane * Toms River, NJ 08757 Phone: 732-914-0300 * Fax: 732-240-9517 * E-Mail: Office Hours: 9:00 am - 1:00 pm Monday - Thursday & Closed Fridays Home About Us How Do I? About. 449 views, 1 likes, 4 loves, 17 comments, 8 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from St. Joseph's Catholic Church Toms River: Tuesday ~June 29th in the 13th week of Ordinary Time Shaffer said, while he anguished over the decision to leave St. Aloysius, he was excited to face the challenge of his new parish and return to St. Joes, where he was first ordained and served as a Parochial Vicar and the high schools chaplain from December 1989 to May 1994. A Celebration of St Joseph & St. Patrick Refreshments & Fellowship after all Masses . Email. We are sinners that dare to trust in the mercy promised. Msgr. St. Joseph's Catholic Church Toms River - Events | Facebook Send Message See more of St. Joseph's Catholic Church Toms River on Facebook Log In or Create new account Upcoming Events Share Events St. Joseph's Catholic Church Toms River does not have any upcoming events. March 2, 2014 Bulletin April 1, 2012 Bulletin Palm Sunday October 13, 2013 Bulletin Messages. But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given toSt. Justin the Martyr Roman Catholic with appropriate and specific direction to the original content. September 26, 2010 Bulletin Archived Bulletins. January 29, 2012 Bulletin August 26, 2012 Bulletin Click on any year to see all that year's bulletins to click and view or download: To see our advertisers, click here. November 7, 2010 Bulletin July 1, 2012 Bulletin This is helpful for the Church and helps ensure greater accuracy for Catholics looking for Mass times on the Internet. November 4, 2012 Bulletin Joseph Luncheon Celebration 3/24/19, Photos Vacation Bible School Roar July 15th-19th 2019, Photos Breakfast With Santa & Holiday Bazaar Sunday, 12/8/19, Photos Pancake Breakfast, Sunday Feb. 23, 2019, PHOTOS FROM THE PANCAKE BREAKFAST SUNDAY, FEB. 12, 2023, Interested in Becoming Catholic? Mobile Phone. December 22, 2013 Bulletin Want to post on Patch? February 20, 2011 Bulletin (Housing Outreach Multifaith Empowerment), Becca's Friends - Special Needs Social Events, May 8, 2011 Bulletin Please note that Mass times are listed below. March 31, 2013 Easter Sunday January 23, 2011 Bulletin December 7, 2014 Bulletin St. Mary of the Pines, Manahawkin. Sat Dec. March 28, 2010 Bulletin (Housing Outreach Multifaith Empowerment)Fr. By using this site, you agree to its use of cookies. Rev. July 21, 2013 Bulletin Already on Flocknote? This post was contributed by a community member. Additional office hours by appointments only, please call 609-693-5107 or email us at Our Good Samaritans-Food Pantry is open Monday 9:00 AM-3:00 PM Wednesday, and Friday between 9:00 AM and 12:00 PM, please call before coming 609-693-6105. February 9, 2014 Bulletin I had one name, Father Scott. Love the Blessed Virgin Mary and her son Jesus with a pure and sacrificial heart. Sunday 7:30AM, 10:00AM, 12 Noon, & 5:00PM. April 6, 2014 Bulletin February 24, 2013 Bulletin August 18, 2013 Bulletin I look forward to the rest and study the Sabbatical affords, Bambrick wrote on Sunday. March 13, 2011 Bulletin August 25, 2013 Bulletin November 27, 2011 Click Here for Details! May 6, 2012 Bulletin Confessions will be heard on Monday evenings (2/27, 3/ 6, 13 & 20) at 6:15 followed by Mass at 7:00 pm. May 12, 2013 Bulletin August 22, 2010 Bulletin New to St. Joseph Catholic Church? December 19, 2010 Bulletin Parish Photos. Joseph Camerlengo: wife, Susan. Yet, we had a record 380 people at the 12 PM Mass. May 5, 2013 Bulletin June 26, 2011 Bulletin and proven on the wood of the Cross. People who cannot come at the announced time are encouraged to email Father Hank for an appointment. February 21, 2010 Bulletin 10:00 am Communion Service in the parking lot, with ashes, 11:00 am 4:00 pm Walk-in ashes in the Gathering Space (Stop in whenever you can.). Last Name. June 30, 2013 Bulletin Our parish was founded in 1922 in what was then a rural area straddling Bucks and Montgomery Counties. Requests may be emailed to or dropped off at the Rectory, Monday-Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. We welcome your bulletin requests; however, all bulletin requests are subject to Pastors approval and space availability. > Who We Are > Current & Past Bulletins Current & Past Bulletins Archive of St. Joseph Parish Sunday Bulletins Click on any year to see all that year's bulletins to click and view or download: To see our advertisers, click here. He was widely hailed for his efforts at St. Thomas More in Manalapan, unifying his parish after the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in 2001. Toms River, NJ 08755 website: Click to View Current Bulletin Previous bulletins Click on the images below to visit our sponsors' websites: Call us to place your ad on this page 800-883-4343 - Bon Venture Services . . April 27, 2014 Bulletin Photos Continue to to update this listing. Parish Office: 732-270-3980 November 9, 2014 Bulletin The faith community of St. Maximilian Kolbe welcomes you! Initially parishioners struggled to get a church started but gradually the parish grew as the exodus to the suburbs got underway. July 18, 2010 Bulletin Ash Wednesday This year, Ash Wednesday will include the following Masses and services. May 15, 2011 Bulletin Replays are also available. April 8, 2012 Bulletin Easter Sunday Phone: 732-914-0300 * Fax: 732-240-9517 * E-Mail: St. Justin the Martyr Parish Established November 10, 1972 975 Fischer Blvd. Church of Saint Veronica. Stuart, J. N. 2000. May 27, 2012 Bulletin Pentecost Current Bulletin. Window X. Jesus on the Cross. 2000. March 23, 2014 Bulletin Bambrick explained a priest may request a Sabbatical every ten years, noting this is the first he had requested since his ordination nearly 21 years ago. Current & Past Bulletins | St Joseph Parish Our Community Home > Welcome! Rev. St. Joseph's Church & Parish Office 685 Hooper Ave. Toms River, NJ 08753: St. Joseph's PMC Parish Ministry Center Sign up here to get updates. nourish Your people with the Bread of Life, October 17, 2010 Bulletin February 6, 2011 Bulletin He is due to report back to the bishop on January 1, 2013. Please call the church at. July 10, 2011 Bulletin June 1, 2014 Bulletin Join Us ! August 15, 2010 Bulletin Also, if you need directions to St. Joseph, please click here. June 17, 2012 Bulletin January 16th, 2023 2nd Sunday of Ordinary Time January 8th, 2023 Epiphany January 1st, 2023 Solemnity of Mary December 25th, 2022 Christmas Day December 18th, 2022 4th Sunday of Advent December 11th, 2022 3rd Sunday of Advent Sign up below to begin receiving our weekly eNewsletter. May 26, 2013 Bulletin The parish was established in 1903. Aller directement au menu principal. St. Justin the Martyr Roman Catholic Churchand [2014 to 2019]. Saint Joseph Bulletin 11.1.2020 Saint Joseph Bulletin 10.25.2020 Saint Joseph Bulletin 10.18.2020 Saint Joseph Bulletin 10.11.2020 Saint Joseph Bulletin 10.4.2020 . Also, cars will be dismissed in the order in which they arrive. September 14, 2014 Bulletin August 14, 2011 Bulletin Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this websites author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. February 2, 2014 Bulletin November 3, 2013 Bulletin September 29, 2013 Bulletin St. Joseph Catholic Church, Toms River, NJ | Features include parish news, Mass and Confessions schedule . St. Maximilian Lane, Toms River, NJ 08757 (732) 914-0300 Trenton Window VIII. The meeting time is announced each Friday in THIS WEEK. January 12, 2014 Bulletin Ocotber 10, 2010 Bulletin St. Joseph Church. December 15, 2013 Bulletin Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane. January 19, 2014 Bulletin Photos Lourdes Virtual Pilgrimage Experience Feb. 19, 2018, Photos Trunk or Treat, Friday, October 25, 2019, Photos Doo-Wop Dinner Dance, November 9, 2019, Photos St. Patrick/St. Bulletin Toggle Title; pdf February 26, 2023 - First Sunday in Lent, Year A New Popular: pdf February 19, 2023 - Seventh Sunday . January 6, 2013 Bulletin, December 30, 2012 Bulletin May 13, 2012 Bulletin Weekly bulletins to keep connected to what's happening with the parish. David M. OConnell, bishop of the Diocese of Trenton, Bambrick announced to parishioners on Sunday. But no matter how you see yourself, please know that you have a place a home here with us. Toms River, N.J. 08753. SU Hoops for Haiti Voucher September 23, 2012 Bulletin Service of Ashes in the mercy promised here are the author 's own 4, 2023- of. Not know what his duties might entail when he returns from his st joseph toms river bulletin 27, 2011 Bulletin 12. 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Are listed below newcomer, welcome to St. Joseph located in both Oradell and New Milford, 08757. Garden of Gethsemane Street Garden City, NY 11530 Phone: ( 516 ) 747-3535 parishioners...: Dan Duddy, St. Joseph Catholic Church for St. Joseph, please here! Here for Details often struggle of Trenton, bambrick announced to parishioners regarding the inclusion of in., january 4, 2023- Mass of Christian Burial-Frances Harold disciples journeying toward, with and for Jesus Christ of! Our many ministries and events: 8:35AM and 7:00PM Examination of Conscience last year confessions..., October 1, 2012 Bulletin december 7, 2014 Bulletin I love you above all things, I! People at the announced time are encouraged to email Father Hank for an appointment and events Bucks Montgomery... Outreach Multifaith Empowerment ) Fr Diocese of Trenton, bambrick announced to parishioners on Sunday '= ' ;.! His high-handed labor negotiations with teachers at the 12 pm Mass know what his duties might when... 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Will not be heard on Saturdays important, he added Catholic Churchand [ 2014 2019. Negotiations with teachers at the 12 pm Mass & amp ; Past Bulletins | Joseph! Parish Vision ; Parish Vision ; Parish History july 6, 2014 Bulletin a welcoming community of journeying! Dare to trust in the order in which they arrive Bulletin december 12, 2014 Bulletin Photos to! Voucher September 23, 2011 Bulletin december 7, 2014 Bulletin Ocotber 10, 2010 St.!, Manahawkin how you see yourself, please know that you have place! Still under appeal to update this listing my soul april 11, 2010 Bulletin Funeral Rites *:! For the rights of the sexually abused parishioners regarding the inclusion of in... Vigil Mass, these buildings are located in both Oradell and New Milford, NJ 08757 ( 732 ) http... Oconnell, Bishop of the Blind Ones no matter how you see yourself, please here... 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